Mosti Mondiale Water question for mixing yeast

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Dec 26, 2008
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My MM instructions read "use ONLY chlorine free water(not distilled or spring water)."

First, I thought distilled and spring water was chlorine free.

Also, in the online video, I remember George saying he used tap water for mixing yeast.

What to do, what to do?

If you like the taste of your water and it is deemed drinkable then use it. Distilled water does not have the minerals and nutrients to supply the yeast. I dont believe spring water is a problem personally and have used it many of times until I finally broke down and just started using my well water after asking questions just like you.
Some people just have bad water.

If you like the taste of your water it should be OK for making wine or beer.
If your water isn't super chlorinated, it will be just fine. I use tap water all the time. I used well water before. Never was an issue with me. Never saw a negative result.
Augryphon, we have some of the best water in the country. I use the tap water from the Memphis Sands aquifer with great success. I have lived in Oakland for a year now, and Oakland over chlorinates, and I still have not had a problem. Use the Collierville city water. You will be fine.

Perhaps we should get together one day. Just a short run down (or up) TN196.
PeterZ, when I stop in Oakland, it is at the request of the local PD!

I'm brand new to this hobby, but would love to become a part of a local group. My wife thinks I am crazy so I could use the support. I also noticed a Bartlett or Millington address lurking around here somewhere.
There is another member whose handle escapes me at the moment works at the vet in Oakland, but I have never met her. You could always bring your wife to my house to see what happens when you getfairly hooked.

I'm not aware of any local groups. There must be other winemakers in town because the LHBS at Summer and White Station carries some wine stuff, even though he is mainly beer oriented.
The water subject came up briefly at Winestock.

My question would be - if you rule out distilled and spring waters, what other kind of water isn't chlorinated and where would one get it?
trashy said:
The water subject came up briefly at Winestock.

My question would be - if you rule out distilled and spring waters, what other kind of water isn't chlorinated and where would one get it?

Technically, you should boild the water for 15 minutes, cool to pitching temps with the pan covered and decant off any sediment in the bottom of the pan. I just got a Reerse Osomosis water system that I am going to use for beer. It is close to distilled water but still leave just a bit of minerals. I plan on building my water each time though to meet the requirements of the beer style.
Home RO filters, Britta pitchers, etc, are all ways of purifying water. It really depends on the quality of the water that you have. Memphis area water has a total dissolved solids level of about 150 mg/L, where Houston is about 500 mg/L and West Texas is about 1500 mg/L.

As I said at Winestock, the way to avoid the problem is to use 23 L Mosti kits and eliminate the water issue all together. :eek:)

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