WE vs MM Port Kits

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Senior Member
Jun 20, 2005
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I know we have had a lot of talk recently about the Mosti Port kit. I had ordered one but received a Wine Expert Port kit by mistake which I am going to keep and make. I called and ordered the Mosti Port kit again.

So I was wondering if anyone can give me a comparison between these two kits. I remember in the past a lot of talk about the WE port kits but when I do a search here I get too many false hits as it will pick up any word that has "port" in it like Report or Portuguese.

I am not real familiar with Port style wines and the extra fortification many do so I thought I would punt to the experts here on their "Professional" opinions on these kits. Hints, tips, and any advice will be appreciated on what I need to do over and above the supplied directions if anything at all.

Thanks in advance.

We tasted the La Bodega Port today in the store. I have not added the flavoring packs or the fortifiersand we all agreed you could bottle, as is. It is going to be an outstanding wine!

BTW, thanks for the understanding with the shipping mistake. Mark told me you called. I will be very interested in your comparison of the WE and MM ports.

We will be doing our blending next Saturday. Joseph has done all of the math, so we will have 6 different 1 gallon ports to taste and compare.
I had a conversation today with someone regarding ports. His only advise was not to skimp on the quality of Brandy....He said you should use the highest quality brandy you can afford....I am interested to others advice/opinions I have considered buying the La Bodega to try out.. Edited by: Lodi Wino
Smurfe. I have a MM port kit aging right now. I also have a RJS aging right now. I have what should have been a WE kit aging too, but the fermentation got stuck. I have been working with WE to get it going. After some communication, they decided to send me another kit. I will be restarting the WE kit this week. I was hoping to get a good comparison of the three kits for everyone.

Though, I can attest to the great customer service of WE.

As for my thoughts on the MM port, I am waiting a few weeks before I give a final opion on the kit. I also will probably try to get a few 'unbiased' opinions too.

As for fotification, I read a lot about this. Since Port Manufacturers use a 'brandy-like' spirit, a genuine brandy (even a good one) will be low in alchol and have LOT more flavor than what is used for a port.

After MUCH reading on this subject I came to the Sad realization that I could not get the 'spirit' that is traditionally used in Ports. So I read another users suggestion that seemed like a very good idea.

You see the Spirit used to fortify Ports is about 77% ABV Whereas Brandy is only about 40%. So in order to get the alchol level to 19-20% on a port, you have to add so much that the flavor can overwhelm the 'fruit' of a port.

My answer to this was to use a 95% everclear (EC), mixed 3:1 with a good brandy. So I ended up adding about 300ml of EC and 150ml of Brandy. This brings in some of the brandy/oak flavor and a neutral alcahol base from the EC.

However, I did run the EC through a charchoal filter several times to help make it even more neutral and flavorless. I believe the effect from doing this has created a very smooth port that retains much more of the 'port' flavor I was hoping for.

Edited by: rshosted
RS, isnt what you just added 2:1, That souns awesome and I like the
idea of charcoal fil;tering the EC. How much of this mixture did you
add to the 3 gallon batch?

Edited by: wade
I bought the EC in 200ml bottles (the only size I can get here). I used two of them, then put in another 200ML of Brandy. This was enough to get my Ports up to 19-20% ABV (theoretically).

I used a Britta water filter. I have a water jug that sits in my fridge. I justed used a new filter. I would pour the EC through the filter about five times.

I got that idea from someone who posted that they buy less expensive Vodkas and after four or five passes through the britta they taste as good as Kettle one. Though, I gave the EC a tast I barely touched it to my tounge as I try not to make a habbitt of drinking 95% alcohol
And realistically, there is no "rule". I was trying to get something with a 'bit' of brandy flavor, but mostly the higher alcohol content.

And for the MM Port, I may be adding another bottle as it is so sweet. I've noticed that when you add alcohol it will help balance a wine that is too sweet. Since the first taste I did have of the MM, was a sugar taste....
I have not tried Waldos port but can attest that jobes blackberry port
was awesome. Not to sweet and would never know that the abv was
anywhere as high as it was!
Lot of good points there folks. I don't know whether to make both kits in the same style to compare or in different styles to have two totally different types of Port.
