What Fruit To Try Along With Pears Making Pear Wine?

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Oct 29, 2010
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We are on our first wine making attempt using 30+ pounds of pears and 6 pounds of white rasins. So far it's doing well. We have another 30+ pounds of pears (7.5 gallon primary, 6.5 gallon secondary) frozen for our next batch. We'd like to try adding a different fruit along with it, with the pears being the primary fruit in the wine. Any ideas on what to add and how much of it for something different? We like fruit tasting wines with a good fruit taste, and not so much dry wines.
Pears are a very mild fruit adding another fruit might cover the taste of the pears. Apple would probably work or you could make a niagara and add pear to that.
I've made pear melomel before and it's quite nice. The subtle pear flavors and honey aromas blend together very well.

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