I bottled a WE world Riesling 7 months ago. After 1-3 months, it was truly wonderful to drink - tasty, smooth, and balanced.
It was stored properly, on its side, in a normal temperature range. For some reason, it started turning 'bad' around 5 months. Developed a slightly 'chemical' taste. Sharper and not pleasant. Even after allowing to breath for a few hours.
The temperature did drop once in the storage room just for a couple days - but didn't freeze. Could that have done it?
Any ideas??? Could it be going through a 'growth phase"? My other 6 varieties are all good - just the Riesling. Thanks.
It was stored properly, on its side, in a normal temperature range. For some reason, it started turning 'bad' around 5 months. Developed a slightly 'chemical' taste. Sharper and not pleasant. Even after allowing to breath for a few hours.
The temperature did drop once in the storage room just for a couple days - but didn't freeze. Could that have done it?
Any ideas??? Could it be going through a 'growth phase"? My other 6 varieties are all good - just the Riesling. Thanks.