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SCORE!! Type of day!

1) Hubby got a pass on having a hard work day.

B) My mom showed up while I was racking and back sweetening 2 batches. She actually ASKED for a tasting, and even more unbelievably, LIKED the Old Orchard Blueberry Pomegranate.

3) The hubby brought home a small but variable selection of variant refreshments for tonight. So we went across the booze board; bourbon, vodka, wine, beer, and moonshine. I fear he is going to regret morning.

D) The evil hosebeast who swindled me scan photos for 16 hours as well as make 20 copies on disc of said photos, donate photo booth and DJ service, run 2 alternate photo side shows of the scanned photos sent me a check for $400 today. Apparently, she wants a few DVD playable copies, but oh well, she will get it because she's my grandpa's wife and that it was for her mom's 100th b-day... Who lives to 100?

5) I now have about $550 extra in my budget. My mind is racing as to how to spend that.  Any suggestions?
