When to rack

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Junior Member
Feb 8, 2014
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At what SG should i rack my skeeter pee to a carboy im sittin at 1.030 right now ....my only chance to rack it will be thursday night as i only get one night a week off work ....if its at 1.020 or less will it hurt to rack it then

Sent from my SCH-I535 using Wine Making mobile app
I've racked a couple different wines off around 1.020. Just make sure it's sealed well and you have the bubbler on it. It should keep fermenting, just at a slower rate.

Sent from my iPhone using Wine Making
I racked my other like this at 1.020 but i didnt know if ited hurt skeeter pee to do it like that.......do i add my sparkloid then as well

Sent from my SCH-I535 using Wine Making mobile app
When I do it I normally let it go as dry as I can in the secondary, then rack it and add my clearing agents after degassing.

Sent from my iPhone using Wine Making
I racked my other like this at 1.020 but i didnt know if ited hurt skeeter pee to do it like that.......do i add my sparkloid then as well

Sent from my SCH-I535 using Wine Making mobile app

rack to dry before adding sparkloid
Ok thanks guys

Sent from my SCH-I535 using Wine Making mobile app
Gonna rack it over tonight it will have a SG below 1.010 when i rack anything special i need to do

Sent from my SCH-I535 using Wine Making mobile app
Just put an airlock on it until completely done, sit back and relax. Or get another one started!!
Racked over to my plastic carboy last night(dont really like them but its all i had) and put my extra in my other bottles for top up later...seems good but still not the smoothest flavor ...looks like ill have about 10% abv if all holds well the sg at racking was 1.005 ....what i put in bottles for top up was already dropping lees this morning pretty good

Sent from my SCH-I535 using Wine Making mobile app