WineXpert When to Stabilise

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Jan 17, 2009
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Sorry guys I know that this has been covered but I am still confused. I have my first batch going and I am trying to follow the directions, I am making a W.E. Cab I put it in the primary fermenter and the sg was 1.072 after five days I checked the sg it was 1.004 so I racked to a carboy. After three days I noticed no more movement in the airlock so took a sg and it was .990 so I took another today day four and it was still .990. Not even close to the ten day wait. Do I stabilise now or wait?


Each kit has it own directions. Please Read and Follow the directions that came in the kit.

If the kit says to do step 2 after so many days go by those days and the gravity. Looks like your wine went dry fast so you are a littla ahead of schedule.

Now that being said WE usually tells you to add meta and sorbate in the secondary AFTER adding that is when they say to add the clairifier still in the seconday.

You cannot rush wine. Looks like you only started your wine only 9 days ago.

Good luck !

The SG is really the criteria, not the number of days, andit doesn't get much lower than .990. I would check it again tomorrow, and if it hasn't changed go ahead and stabilize per directions. Having said that, though, there's no harm in waiting the full 10 days. If you wait, you'll probably notice tiny bubbles around the top. That's CO2, and means less for you to degass when you stabilize.


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