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I congratulate you on taking on this endeavor. Your wine is most likely doing fine. Do not dump it.

The SG at initial should have been closer to 1.090, but you are not far off. When your potassium metabisulfite arrives rack (siphon) the wine into a clean/sanitized container. Add 1/4 tsp per 5gallons. Keep the airspace in the vessel to a minimum. Typically people have numerous containers of various volumes for this reason. It won’t be necessary to filter the wine through cheesecloth, time/patience will do the job. Sediment will form and you will rack again in 3 months, adding Kmeta every time you rack.

The pictures you show have way too much airspace, try to keep ~1” or less. I think your wine will be fine. You didn’t mention using a yeast, so is this a natural fermentation? That could be a reason for the white growth. Search this site for opinions on natural fermentation. Good luck.
