Other White Ring?

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Rennaisance Man
Supporting Member
Feb 22, 2015
Reaction score
South Cental Pennsylvania
I'm doing an MV Cherie Merlot on an extended maceration. The wine is 9 months old aging in a carboy. I've racked the wine three times.

The last two rackings ended with a light white ring forming on the gas at the neck of the carboy. Any thoughts on what it might be and how to make it go away?
I'm doing an MV Cherie Merlot on an extended maceration. The wine is 9 months old aging in a carboy. I've racked the wine three times.

The last two rackings ended with a light white ring forming on the gas at the neck of the carboy. Any thoughts on what it might be and how to make it go away?

I've had this happen with kits a few times. Never had any issues. Due as @NorCal says to be on the safe side.

It's happened for me more in kits with grape skins than not. Some discussion a few years here led suspicions on squeezing the skins too much and the ring was from proteins if I remember correctly.
I've had this happen with kits a few times. Never had any issues. Due as @NorCal says to be on the safe side.

It's happened for me more in kits with grape skins than not. Some discussion a few years here led suspicions on squeezing the skins too much and the ring was from proteins if I remember correctly.

I remember those threads and think that it’s likely what’s going on here.

I hit it when I racked it last week. I might rack it again short of the 3 month schedule.

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