I was wondering why we rack at this point? Seems like we could just lock down the fermentation with an airlock at the correct SG. The instructions say get most of the juice between these stewps anyways.
Welcome Coaster,
<LI>A primary fermenter isn't the proper vessel to get the wine away from oxygen after the SG has dropped even with the lid locked down tight with an airlock since that are not completely air tight like a carboy and properly fitted airlock.</LI>
<LI>Many kits contain oak and the kits are designed to only have the wine in contact with the oak during the primary fermentation and not continuously until the fermentation is complete as it could affect the finished wine.</LI>
<LI>Per Tim Vandergrift of Winexpert "Another crucial element (at least for Winexpert kits) is micro-oxidation. By racking just at 1.010 or so you introduce a small amount of oxygen into the must. This has some profound downstream effects on the wine."
Thanks so much for the info. I do have elderberry in the must and I see that by racking I won't have it for secondary fermentation.
When you say profound, do you mean in a positive or negative manner. I am assuming negative but I may misunderstand and the micro-oxidation is required at a SG of 1.010.
A little oxygen at the correct points in the process aids in the production of a sound wine. What we are really concerned with is over exposure to oxygen.
In order to get this micro-oxidation do you simply rack the must or do you "splash" the must? If so, a little like when you start the transfer then use a "quiet" method to finish, or a lot like during the whole transfer?