Wine Inventory App

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Senior Member
Dec 4, 2009
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Does anyone know of a good app that would record my wine inventory?
Thats a great idea Julie. I thought about it several times but figured it just wouldn't work for me. My wife is down there too often and would never record it and if were going to friends house I might grab a bunch and not mark it down.I would be good at recording what goes into it but the maintenance after that probably wouldn't be so good for me.
I have an inventory in Excel. We keep it pretty accurate. Comes in handy. An app would be great
I use Brew Trax, you can't get any better than that for a wine inventory app that allows you to log every wine that you make , the recipes (it also has an extensive recipe database, every additive and so on up until you mark it as bottled and add it to your wine cellar. You can also remove bottles from inventory as you use them, this way you will always have an updated and current inventory list.
Check out all of the features here: