Other Wine Makers Choice Beaujolais Rapid Progression

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Senior Member
Jan 12, 2013
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A couple weeks ago I asked about any experience with these kits from Wine Makers Choice, specifically, this french red beaujolais. I went ahead and started it anyway. I added some sugar at the front end in my primary to try to boost the ABV a bit for a drier finish and wound up with a starting SG at 1.100, keeping the ferment at 73-75 temperature. I just ran a check on it because the fermentation (now in my secondary) appears to have slowed considerably and it's only been 16 days since I started. My SG reading right now is 0.995 and even though slowed considerably, I can see that it's not finished yet. Now this kit contained the Lalvin 1118 yeast so should be okay but it appears in such a short time I'm already in the neighborhood of 14.2% ABV. I'm inclined to believe this will finish out at .992 or possibly reach .990. Got a bit of time to sit and perk yet. Any thoughts? Is it normal to develop through fermentation this quickly? Jerry:dg
I wouldn't call going from ~1.100 to 0.995 in a little more than two weeks a rapid fermentation. I would just let it sit and measure the S.G. every day until you notice no change over at least a couple of days. It may be done, or it may have a little further to go. Do not just rely on gas evolution as an indication. As other people will tell you: let the hydrometer tell you what's going on. Just about every kit wine I have made has made it down to 0.992 with one exception (that was 0.994).

Never made a Beaujolais style kit before, but it should be drinkable sooner than other kit wines.
I agree, that is not rapid at all. Sounds like you are on the right track.

Thanks. And to SouthernChemist. Need to rely on the hydrometer and not count the days on the calendar. The 0.995 reading was yesterday Mar 18th and now today I have 0.994. I will continue to check daily for a few more days before considering anything else (like stabilizing the batch).
Thanks. And to SouthernChemist. Need to rely on the hydrometer and not count the days on the calendar. The 0.995 reading was yesterday Mar 18th and now today I have 0.994. I will continue to check daily for a few more days before considering anything else (like stabilizing the batch).

UPDATE .... Well, 3rd day in a row now with same SG reading of 0.991 in my secondary and absolutely no visble signs of any more fermentation so I think I'm done and will probably stabilize tomorrow. This should have me in the range of about 15% ABV which even though fairly dry, about perfect for my taste in reds. Snuck a little taste off it and am very pleased with the flavor that comes out over the dryness (barely there but discernable notes of the oak chips I used). I suspect I will look around for more of these beaujolais kits for future use. Jerry:dg:u