I actually have the exact set up for this down stairs and that would free up a room but we may not be living in this house too much longer so Im not doing any more work exept to tidy up some things before we leave. With my back the way it is and not having any kind of retirement we are looking into selling this old hunk of crap and getting a multi and try to achieve living for free or hopefully even making money! We will be getting a small settlement (soon?) and weve been looking and the prices are just so down there. Its our only option and if we can do that Ill be able to find another job thats less painful on my back. Right now Im stuck there with the exception of going out on comp which will probably happen soon anyway the way thgis idiot is pushing us! If anyone does this make sure not to attach anything to the actual stairs as vibrations are not good for your wine or if you do attach use rubber wahers to dampen the vibration!