Winemaking Notes/Log

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No longer a newbie, but still clueless.
Mar 18, 2012
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This came up a while back, but I couldnt find the original message. Wondering what people use to keep track. I use a very simple Excel workbook. Each batch is a different tab, ABV is just a formula, so all I have to do is enter the beginning and ending SG. A PDF of what I use is attached. On some batches, I get really ambitious and track SG and temp daily during fermentation, then make a graph out of the data.

EDIT: I've also recently added two tabs to the front of this workbook. One is a simple barrel aging schedule, where I can keep track of what wines are going into my new Vadai barrel, when they go in and come out, and cumulative time that the barrel has had wine in it. The other is a work in progress, but I'm using it to keep track of conversions - for example, 1oz of KMETA = X teaspoons, etc.

View attachment Wine Log.pdf
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I use a spreadsheet in the free Open Office software to keep track of my batches.
I use Brewtrax, it is a great program filled with most every feature that you could imagine.
I tried forms and such, but found they were too structured

So i have a notebook, and i just keep track in journal-entry form.

When i start a new batch, I'll skip a page or two (most wines take 2 pages) so the last batch has room to finish out without running into the new one.

It's had juice dripped on it, its creased, has words scratched out, probably unreadable to some, but its the wine journal :)
I'm with Manley. My wine log is a lined journal. I use a page for each batch, in my own handwriting. It's got splatters and spills, tears and creases. I type out the best recipes in Wordpad and print them out for a folder, which I keep with the journal. It works for me.
Brewtrax here also. Its pretty cheap. keeps everything and tat includes things you didnt think of and its a supporter of our site!!!!!
Brewtrax here also. Its pretty cheap. keeps everything and tat includes things you didnt think of and its a supporter of our site!!!!!

Supporter?! Oh, darn! Looks like I'll have to move up. :slp
I use a lined journal as well. The hard part is trying to be comprehensive enough to be able to read back and know exactly what you were aiming for and what little but significant things you did. I've read a few from a couple of years ago and found myself scratching my head on how I accomplished something because I did not keep good enough notes.
I started out using a loose leaf note book with separators for each batch, but hat became unwieldy after about 30 batches. I made up a few Excel spreadsheets and that is what I am using now. It is not literature, but it lets me know essentially what I did.
I am realllllllly new to all this but am just using a notebook and for now is working just fine. Like Manley, I just skip a couple of pages between batches.
Brewtrax paid for ittself when I was able to duplicate a batch of wine that we really love.
The program is really inexpensive.