Fruit "Wine" Maker
As with many topics on this site, there are certainly a wide variety of methods people use to get their fermentation started.
Perhaps a little sharing of methods might help those beginners figure out what approach they want to use. I think sharing your methods and your reasoning, beyond "It works" might be appreciated by beginners. I know that it would have been nice for me when I was getting started, to have some ideas laid out before starting my first wine batch. To date I've had a 'hard start' for 3 batches and all of those were in the winter in a room where the temperature was in mid-to-low 60s. In all cases the yeast specifications indicated that those temps were fine.
As I have seen posted here there seem to be pretty much two basic approaches:
1) Sprinkle the dry (Or liquid) yeast directly on the top of the wine must
2) Prepare a starter solution to re-hydrate the yeast before adding it to the wine must
There are probably variations to the basic methods. Some seem pretty involved but it's hard to argue with any approach if it consistently works.
I hope that some people with a lot of experience will chip in here and help provide their methods and rationale behind it.
Personally my approach has evolved into a very slight variation of a basic version of the Re-Hydrate before pitching.
My reason for this approach: The reason I decided to go with a starter was simply looking at what my mother and most bakers do with their yeast. In most cases the yeast is mixed briefly in warm water then added to the dough AND allowed to rise in a warm oven to get the dough to rise. With breads and pastries the process is extremely fast compared to what we experience with wine making but then they are not creating as much alcohol as we do with wine. (Maybe those alcohol vapors from the bread are what I enjoyed so much growing up. )
In any case I figure helping our wine yeast to wake up and multiply can only help a wine ferment off to a good start. The only time I can think when it might not be good is with a wine where you want a long drawn out fermentation process.
My yeast starter approach:
2 oz of filtered (Not distilled) water heated for 25 seconds
1 oz of wine must added to the heated water
1/16 tsp of Fermaid - K (Not using this as designed but I have a 4 oz container of it so...)
1/8 tsp Yeast Nutrient
Mix the ingredients and then pour back and forth between containers until mix is just warm (100-105 degrees)
Add the yeast, stir and then cover loosely for 15-60 mins (I get distracted sometimes so I have hit that 60 minute mark and beyond with no problems)
This is a picture of a yeast starter I prepared today for a batch of Blueberry wine. This was taken after the starter had set for no more than 15 minutes. Clearly re-hydration has happened. The starter had a strong yeast smell to it. This is an 8oz (1/2 pint container) This morning (17 hours after pitching) the fermentation is well underway with plenty of foam in evidence and that wonderful smell of a all out fermentation.

Perhaps a little sharing of methods might help those beginners figure out what approach they want to use. I think sharing your methods and your reasoning, beyond "It works" might be appreciated by beginners. I know that it would have been nice for me when I was getting started, to have some ideas laid out before starting my first wine batch. To date I've had a 'hard start' for 3 batches and all of those were in the winter in a room where the temperature was in mid-to-low 60s. In all cases the yeast specifications indicated that those temps were fine.
As I have seen posted here there seem to be pretty much two basic approaches:
1) Sprinkle the dry (Or liquid) yeast directly on the top of the wine must
2) Prepare a starter solution to re-hydrate the yeast before adding it to the wine must
There are probably variations to the basic methods. Some seem pretty involved but it's hard to argue with any approach if it consistently works.
I hope that some people with a lot of experience will chip in here and help provide their methods and rationale behind it.
Personally my approach has evolved into a very slight variation of a basic version of the Re-Hydrate before pitching.
My reason for this approach: The reason I decided to go with a starter was simply looking at what my mother and most bakers do with their yeast. In most cases the yeast is mixed briefly in warm water then added to the dough AND allowed to rise in a warm oven to get the dough to rise. With breads and pastries the process is extremely fast compared to what we experience with wine making but then they are not creating as much alcohol as we do with wine. (Maybe those alcohol vapors from the bread are what I enjoyed so much growing up. )
In any case I figure helping our wine yeast to wake up and multiply can only help a wine ferment off to a good start. The only time I can think when it might not be good is with a wine where you want a long drawn out fermentation process.
My yeast starter approach:
2 oz of filtered (Not distilled) water heated for 25 seconds
1 oz of wine must added to the heated water
1/16 tsp of Fermaid - K (Not using this as designed but I have a 4 oz container of it so...)
1/8 tsp Yeast Nutrient
Mix the ingredients and then pour back and forth between containers until mix is just warm (100-105 degrees)
Add the yeast, stir and then cover loosely for 15-60 mins (I get distracted sometimes so I have hit that 60 minute mark and beyond with no problems)
This is a picture of a yeast starter I prepared today for a batch of Blueberry wine. This was taken after the starter had set for no more than 15 minutes. Clearly re-hydration has happened. The starter had a strong yeast smell to it. This is an 8oz (1/2 pint container) This morning (17 hours after pitching) the fermentation is well underway with plenty of foam in evidence and that wonderful smell of a all out fermentation.

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