Cold stabilization question

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Jul 16, 2014
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This past fall/winter I made my first wine from my grapes. I planned to cold stabilize during the winter but 2 things stopped that. First, a difficult/failed MLF and second, a really cold winter. Since I didn't plan to MLF the white, I put it in the basement/garage while I waited on the MLF to finish in the reds. That was 6+ weeks. When I gave up on the MLF, the weather was warm enough to put the wine outside on my kitchen porch (lows generally in the low 20's at night, highs upper 20's/low 30's). When I pulled to 2 white wine jugs up from the basement I saw that the bottoms were covered with crystals. I put them outside anyway with the reds for about 2 weeks (I brought them all in when it got really cold). After the 2 weeks, the reds had the same crystals but the whites hadn't changed, which tells me that the whites had already cold stabilized. The temp where i had stored them in the basement is low to mid 30's during the winter. Does this sound reasonable? It seems way to warm based on discussions from others, but I wouldn't have to worry about possibly freezing my wine when it gets really cold.

Chuck Crisler
From my experience on cold stabilizing is this -

The colder it is the faster the process

I had wines drop out crystals when they were in the cellar at temps near 55-65 degrees for a period of 3 months.

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