Restarting Fermentation AFTER adding sorbate...ugh
Without going into too many details of how (and why) I got here, I am wondering if there is any hope for this spiced apple wine....
Originally planned to be a sparkling cider, I fermented it to about 8% alcohol. I added an appropriate amount of sorbate to this batch to prepare for bottling. For various reasons, I decided that the sparkling cider was a bad idea at this point and thought a spiced wine would be better. I added cloves and cinnamon and it really has a wonderful flavor. BUT to be really much better and balanced, I want to increase the alcohol level to about 12%-14%. I read a few places that even after adding sorbate, you can restart fermentation if you start it working before you pitch it. (The sorbate prevents existing yeast from working, but new yeast already fermenting could overpower the effects of the sorbate).
So, I sweetened the batch and added yeast/nutrient/etc - starting it for a while before adding it to the wine. Nothing happened. Tried with various yeasts (some baking, some wine) and never really felt like I got the yeast working well before adding it.
Am I destined for a poor/mediocre spiced apple wine or is there a nuance to restarting fermentation? Should I keep trying?
State College, PA