Need help with cork problem

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Mar 5, 2025
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Made my first batch of wine recently and am having trouble corking the bottles. I ordered bottles that said they needed No. 8 corks. I bought No. 8 corks and a hand held corker that was for No 8 corks.
The problem is the corks will not go thru corker. I cannot assert enough force to get any of the cork out of the corked. I am a very big and strong fellow and just can’t get it thru and into the bottle.
When I ordered the corks I didn’t realize they made a straight and a tapered cork and I ended up with straight ones. Do I need to order tapered ones or am I doing something wrong?
Thanks for any advice.
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I have used a European hand corker with a tapered plastic cone. To do it I took a rubber mallet and tapped the push rod while holding the device on the mouth of the bottle. It wasn’t too bad.
I put together a vacuum head that goes over the neck of a bottle to pull out air. As with the hand corker I used a rubber mallet to tap the push rod while holding the combined bottle and vacuum. This has been used for years and was written up in WineMaker magazine.
One of the members of Fermented Friends showed me his lever operated cork insertion tool and I am currently using that instead of the mallet.
Using the lever is about as hard as the mallet.
I have a floor corker which I hardly use. It seems to put creases in the cork which defeats the purpose of having a vacuum head.
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You want straight corks. Tapered corks are for short term usage. Wine bottles take straight corks.

Generally speaking, I don't recommend #8 corks, as they are narrower and make a less tight seal. I've not heard of bottles that specify #8 corks, but I don't doubt they exist. Note that wine bottles vary in the internal diameter of the neck. If you use #9 corks, they fit all bottles.

Post a picture of your corker. Without knowing anything else, I'm sure your corker is a cheap one. Cheap corkers are an exercise in masochism.

Overwhelmingly, you'll get feedback to get a floor corker. The red Portuguese works well and it's reasonably priced. The significantly more expensive blue Ferrari (Italian) corker is better, but unless you're making hundred of bottles per year, the Portuguese is sufficient.
Made my first batch of wine recently and am having trouble corking the bottles. I ordered bottles that said they needed No. 8 corks. I bought No. 8 corks and a hand held corker that was for No 8 corks.
The problem is the corks will not go thru corker. I cannot assert enough force to get any of the cork out of the corked. I am a very big and strong fellow and just can’t get it thru and into the bottle.
When I ordered the corks I didn’t realize they made a straight and a tapered cork and I ended up with straight ones. Do I need to order tapered ones or am I doing something wrong?
Thanks for any advice.
No, you should not get tapered corks. They are only for temporary use on a bottle.

Get a floor corker. There are basically two types on the market, the Italian and the Portuguese. I have owned both and, while I feel the Italian model is superior in some ways, the price differential between it and the Portuguese model, to me, is not justified.

Search Craig's List, yard sales, this forum for people exiting the hobby and you can normally find a very serviceable model for a reasonable price. Here is an example from Craig's List:
Yes, you may have #8 corks, but the type may be the issue.

Typically hand corkers don't squeeze the corks to compress them. Floor corkers do.

Some corks have rounded edges that go into bottles easier using a hand corker. The rounded edge or bevel helps align the cork to the bottle. If you have the type that are sharp or square edged, those will be much more difficult or impossible to insert.

Wine bottle corks are slightly larger than the bottle opening. #8's are smaller than #9's, but both are larger than the opening.


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I recently purchased a floor corker, but for several years I used a double lever hand corker like this:

I use #8 corks, straight natural corks. They are the ones with rounded edges like the left photo above. They require a little effort to put in, but not a lot. I bottled hundreds of bottles of wine this way.

The #8 corks probably do not seal as well as #9 corks, but I couldn't get them in with the hand corker.
Years ago before I was making wine, I helped my dad with a hand corker. At that moment I knew I would never go that route. When I started looking, I found an Italian floor corker for $40 on FB Marketplace. Still corking strong.
I have the double-lever corker I purchased in 1984. It's rusty, but it still works. In 1989 I purchased the Ferrari, and haven't used the double-lever since then. My new borne grandson will inherit that corker -- it will still work great when I'm no longer in the mortal coil.

My sons started as my go-fers when they were 7 & 8. My elder son is my co-winemaker (in his late 20's). Neither had corked a bottle except with the Ferrari.

The elder started making wine on his own shortly after moving out. When it was bottling time, I took the Ferrari to his apartment and we worked together.

One time I was visiting and we decided to bottle his 3rd solo batch. Last minute decision, so we used the double-lever corker he got with the hardware kit he purchased.

We got done, and he looked at me and said, "Dad, we are NEVER doing that again." Meaning using the double-lever corker. 🤣

Anyone serious about winemaking, as in doing it long term -- buy a floor corker. A double-lever corker is the next best thing. Anything else is an exercise in masochism.

I was co-owner of a LHBS, so I got the Ferrari at wholesale price, $40 USD if I remember correctly. It was the floor model that sat for several years, retail price $75 at that time.
I used a hand corker with #9 corks for years and never really had a problem. #8s are smaller than #9s so should be easier to insert. There are many kinds of hand corkers; some may be more difficult to use than others. Since getting older, I found that I could no longer use the hand corker so I bought the Portuguese floor corker. Why oh why didn't I buy it years ago?
I used a hand corker with #9 corks for years and never really had a problem. #8s are smaller than #9s so should be easier to insert. There are many kinds of hand corkers; some may be more difficult to use than others. Since getting older, I found that I could no longer use the hand corker so I bought the Portuguese floor corker. Why oh why didn't I buy it years ago?
I've noted that folks who upgrade their corker don't downgrade again ...
I bought a bunch of carboys from someone and they threw in a lot of other stuff. That item was among the stuff. Couldn’t imagine using it as a corker but at the time it was my best guess.
I bought a bunch of carboys from someone and they threw in a lot of other stuff. That item was among the stuff. Couldn’t imagine using it as a corker but at the time it was my best guess.
My first wines were bottled in old screwcap whiskey bottles. When I purchased a double-lever corker, it was the most amazing gadget on the planet!

Five years later I purchased the blue Ferrari and found the opinions vary with new experiences ... ;)
I started making wine after I retired. I read a lot reviews about corkers and it seems like most complained about the difficulty of the handheld ones. Found a Portuguese corker on sale and convinced myself that since I’m not young anymore I should get it……funny thing is that was the same excuse I used for buying the All in one pump……😂
I used a hand corker with #9 corks for years and never really had a problem. #8s are smaller than #9s so should be easier to insert. There are many kinds of hand corkers; some may be more difficult to use than others. Since getting older, I found that I could no longer use the hand corker so I bought the Portuguese floor corker. Why oh why didn't I buy it years ago?
I did the same thing a few years ago and had the same reaction! Difference is night and day!
My dad gave me a few items he still had from his winemaking days, including a hand corker. My hands are too small so Hubby had to do most of the work when I bottled my first few batches.

Let's just say that I didn't get any guff when I wanted to get a floor corker. 😆 And same with my AIO wine pump! Hubby is great at helping when I need him but he would much rather drink the wine than make it, so I have the fun gadgets that allow me to easily do most things myself.

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