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  1. 1

    Left on Gross Lees - Too Late?

    Thanks again. It smells like if you covered burnt popcorn with movie theater butter and rotten eggs. I think the mercaptans have likely started to form. I’m going to try purging with co2 tonight and maybe sticking a copper pipe in there longer. If that doesn’t work I’ll add ascorbic acid...
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    Left on Gross Lees - Too Late?

    Thanks so much for the responses. There was no sulfur smell during fermentation, I think it’s purely because I forgot them on the lees. The K-meta you’re suggesting to add is just to fight off oxidation from splash racking/stirring? How much of a dose do you recommend. I hadn’t heard of...
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    Left on Gross Lees - Too Late?

    I forgot to rack my cab franc and cab sauvignon off the gross lees after MLF was complete. Fast forward a few weeks and they smell as awful as you can imagine. I used Renaissance yeast which doesn’t produce H2S, so I guess I got over confident and didn’t check. Any hopes in getting rid of the...
  4. 1

    Should I tape the bung to the carboy?

    I’m also interested. Just started using one last night, but I’m nervous about how airtight they are for bulk aging.
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    Should I tape the bung to the carboy?

    I have this problem all the time too. I hate it. The problem is that santiziting the stopper makes it wet. I pour boiling water on it to help sanitize and let it dry quickly. The everclear/vodka trick mentioned is a cool one. I’ll have to try it.
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    Left Copper in Wine, Dangerous?

    I was asking for safety reasons. I was just interested in tasting how the wine came out, not tasting if there is copper in it.
  7. 1

    Left Copper in Wine, Dangerous?

    Alright, I have decided to dump it. It’s a small amount. Anyone wanna volunteer their thoughts on tasting the wine and spitting it out?
  8. 1

    Left Copper in Wine, Dangerous?

    I had removed some remaining sulfur smells from last year's wine with a copper wire. Turns out I forgot about it. Is it still safe to bottle and drink? I know copper sulfate can be potentially dangerous, but my understanding was that by using a copper pipe or wire you avoided this danger. Is...