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    • Raptor99
      Raptor99 reacted to aws1008 aws1008's post in the thread Apple Wine with Like Like.
      I currently have about 12 gallons going in different stages of the process. It seemed like with my first batch (which was my first time...
    • Raptor99
      Raptor99 reacted to Rice_Guy's post in the thread Which Acid, and does it matter? with Like Like.
      Acid chemistry is extremely complex in the real world. Every acid has a character called pKa which is a measure of how much is free H+...
    • Raptor99
      Raptor99 replied to the thread AIO vs Wine Pump.
      One of the advantages of the AIO pump is that it is a vacuum pump. The wine never touches the pump. I use the AIO pump to rack into a...
    • Raptor99
      Raptor99 replied to the thread Which Acid, and does it matter?.
      @BPL I agree with you that there are many factors affecting the final flavor of the wine. This is the sort of comparison that I had in...
    • Raptor99
      Raptor99 reacted to BPL's post in the thread Which Acid, and does it matter? with Like Like.
      The words used on the Lallemand website is, 71B "metabolizes" Malic acid. I read somewhere the metabolizing of 71B is different than...
    • Raptor99
      Raptor99 reacted to Obbnw's post in the thread Hard of soft water? with Like Like.
      When I added a water softener I split the supply line so I get unsoftened cold water at the kitchen sink. My wife grew in up on a...
    • Raptor99
      Raptor99 replied to the thread Hard of soft water?.
      Taste it and then decide. If you think it might be a problem, run an unsoftened cold water line to the kitchen faucet My softener has a...
    • Raptor99
      Raptor99 replied to the thread Which Acid, and does it matter?.
      I try to use the acid that is predominant in the fruit. For blueberry wine, I use citric acid, for hard cider, I use malic acid. I...
    • Raptor99
      Raptor99 reacted to Rice_Guy's post in the thread Which Acid, and does it matter? with Like Like.
      Which acid you use will make a difference BUT most people haven’t had access to clean acids so they won’t be able to taste the...
    • Raptor99
      Raptor99 reacted to winemaker81's post in the thread What R you doing today? with Like Like.
      Thanks! My dad taught us to look at the bigger picture. Don't focus on the car in front of me, look at as many as I could see. When the...
    • Raptor99
      Raptor99 reacted to winemaker81's post in the thread What R you doing today? with Like Like.
      If I could go back in time, or send a message back to my younger self, I'd have had the builder remove all the sweet gum and yellow pine...
    • Raptor99
      Raptor99 replied to the thread Hard of soft water?.
      This is the key. What does your well water taste like? Good tasting water will make better tasting wine. I did a blind taste test with...
    • Raptor99
      Raptor99 reacted to winemaker81's post in the thread Brand New to Wine Making with Like Like.
      @Mark McD, this is one of those things where there are diametrically opposed schools of thought that are both valid. The old school of...
    • Raptor99
      Raptor99 replied to the thread What R you doing today?.
      We had a sweet gum tree in the front yard of our old house. We cut it down for all the reasons you listed.
    • Raptor99
      Raptor99 reacted to jswordy's post in the thread Post a photo, any photo with Like Like.
      That's why I vastly prefer that kind of eggs! I have fried them up for people who never had them before just to see them when they take...
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