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  1. Raptor99

    Crud or Critters?

    That question was directed to @Rice_Guy
  2. Raptor99

    Crud or Critters?

    I think that you have posted earlier that you do the first racking at around SG 1.010. Since the fermentation is not quite finished at that point, do you do you add any kmeta then? Do you do a double dose then? Would that inhibit the yeast from finishing?
  3. Raptor99

    Raspberry Iced Tea Wine Cooler

    The ratio of tea to raspberries depends on the flavor profile that you are going for. Are you looking for a raspberry "cider" with a hint of tea in the background? Or a tea with subtle raspberry notes? There is not just one right answer. I suggest that you juice some raspberries and combine the...
  4. Raptor99

    Raspberry Iced Tea Wine Cooler

    I understand the need to be cautious about preservatives, although normally tea does not need preservatives. But the quality and flavor of the tea is also important.
  5. Raptor99

    Raspberry Iced Tea Wine Cooler

    Or skip the teabags and get some good, loose leaf black tea. It depends on what type of tea you like to drink. Liptons is near the bottom of the list as far as quality goes.
  6. Raptor99

    Orange Peels

    The easiest way to do that is to use a zester, grater, or peeler to remove the zest before she peels the oranges. You can save the zest in the freezer until you are ready to use it. Avoid the white part of the peels, because they add a lot of bitterness. Marmalade is also an excellent suggestion!
  7. Raptor99

    Post a Meme, any Meme! (no politics)

  8. Raptor99

    Need help with cork problem

    I recently purchased a floor corker, but for several years I used a double lever hand corker like this: I use #8 corks, straight natural corks. They are the ones with rounded edges like the left photo above. They require...
  9. Raptor99

    Making my 2025 Pear Cobbler Wine

    Following the example of what someone else posted here on WMT, I put a hook in the ceiling so that I could suspend the mesh bag over the bucket: I found some large mesh bag that I use to line my primary fermentation bucket. I put the bags in at the beginning, and the must goes in the bag. Then...
  10. Raptor99

    How do I make a low alcohol wine?

    I have been thinking about this as well. The alcohol content is determined by the initial sugar level, so if you start with less sugar, you will get less alcohol. Different types of fruit have different amounts of sugar. For example, pressed apple juice, fermented into hard cider with no added...
  11. Raptor99

    How much Wine Conditioner?

    I backsweeten by taste alone, and don't measure SG at that point. The amount of backsweetening needed depends on the variety of fruit, fruit flavor due to growing conditions, ripeness of fruit at harvest, acidity, ABV, alcohol level, and level of tannins. All of these factors will affect the...
  12. Raptor99

    New member with 3rd batch working

    Welcome! I have done blackberry, peach and blueberry as well. Post your recipes and questions in the Country Fruit Winemaking forum for feedback and tips.
  13. Raptor99

    PCs have changed a lot

    Your post brings back a lot of memories. I think that my first computer (Kaypro) had 64k memory and dual single-sided 5 1/4 inch floppy drives. It cost something like $1500, which is a lot more in today's dollars. Somewhere in a box in my office I have an 8" floppy disk that I got from my dad...