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      plumcrazy replied to the thread Newbie.
      Do I need to put a campden tablet in each time I rack it.
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      plumcrazy replied to the thread Newbie.
      Do i
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      plumcrazy replied to the thread Newbie.
      My sg for the the last three check have been at .998. I'm going to filter it and put into my demijon. Do I need to add anything to the...
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      plumcrazy replied to the thread Newbie.
      The yeast is working well and my sg is at a 1.085. Now when my sg drops to the target required which I think is around .999 if I...
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      plumcrazy replied to the thread Newbie.
      OK thanks
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      plumcrazy reacted to winemaker81's post in the thread Newbie with Like Like.
      I'd leave the fruit in -- fermentation will extract more flavoring from it, and it will soften the pulp and you'll often get a better yield.
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      plumcrazy replied to the thread Newbie.
      Now after the fruit is in the water for 24 hours do you leave the fruit in or squeeze all the liquid out through the filter it is in and...
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      plumcrazy replied to the thread Newbie.
      It looks like around 3 cups of sugar will move it close to target. I will use less and add more until target is reached.
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      plumcrazy replied to the thread Newbie.
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      plumcrazy replied to the thread Newbie.
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      plumcrazy reacted to winemaker81's post in the thread What's for Dinner? with Like Like.
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      plumcrazy replied to the thread Newbie.
      Click on the picture to get a clear view. What would be my next steps.
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      plumcrazy replied to the thread Newbie.
      OK I took a hydrometer reading of just the fruit and one and a quarter gallon of water and this is the reading I got after the fruit has...
      • 20240812_083900.jpg
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      plumcrazy replied to the thread Newbie.
      When I am just starting. When the 9lbs of plums are ready to make just the juice do I use only the one gallon of water with a campden...
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      plumcrazy replied to the thread Newbie.
      Thank you.
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