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  1. P


    Do I need to put a campden tablet in each time I rack it.
  2. P


    Do i
  3. P


    My sg for the the last three check have been at .998. I'm going to filter it and put into my demijon. Do I need to add anything to the wine as it sits.
  4. P


    The yeast is working well and my sg is at a 1.085. Now when my sg drops to the target required which I think is around .999 if I remember right. I will double check that. But anyway what is the next step. I did put in some pectic enzyme in and yeast nutrient. Is potassium sorbate what stops the...
  5. P


    OK thanks
  6. P


    Now after the fruit is in the water for 24 hours do you leave the fruit in or squeeze all the liquid out through the filter it is in and then add the sugar and yeast to start fermentation. I have read it on both ways.
  7. P


    It looks like around 3 cups of sugar will move it close to target. I will use less and add more until target is reached.
  8. P


  9. P


  10. P


    Click on the picture to get a clear view. What would be my next steps.
  11. P


    OK I took a hydrometer reading of just the fruit and one and a quarter gallon of water and this is the reading I got after the fruit has set for 15 hours. 9 lbs of fruit.
  12. P


    When I am just starting. When the 9lbs of plums are ready to make just the juice do I use only the one gallon of water with a campden tablet and let sit for 24 hours with it sealed or with just a towel over the top.
  13. P


    Thank you.
  14. P


    Thank you.
  15. P


    Plus do you boil the water to kill all the nasties or use cool water.
  16. P


    It is what do I do. I have 9lbs of plums. My main questions would be how much sugar to use when I start the fermentation process and what needs to be added. I have pectic enzine to help with hazing. I have watched so many videos and each one is different I'm more confused by the process then...
  17. P


    Than OK thank you
  18. P


    I have 3 gallon containers but from what I have read they are to big for just 9 pounds of plums. I think it would work for the first phase of fermentation but would be to much when I extract the pulp and just the liquid is left. Am I wrong or would a 2 gallon glass container be better. I might...
  19. P


    Hey everyone I just moved into a house that has a plum tree and got about 9lbs of plums off of it before the animals attacked it. I have never tried making wine but want to give it a try. I was wondering how much wine this would make? I bought two three gallon containers and was wondering if...