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  1. browndd1

    Started primary fermentation in two different 5 gallon buckets and want to transfer to ferm fast conical container

    Anyone see a problem aging the red wine in the fast ferment conical or should I use a glass carboy?
  2. browndd1

    Started primary fermentation in two different 5 gallon buckets and want to transfer to ferm fast conical container

    It is day 2 on my primary fermentation. I would like to transfer to a ferm fast conical container. Can I just slowly dump both buckets into the conical without disrupting the yeast? Thanks, Dave
  3. browndd1

    Head Space after first racking

    just finished up the fermentation and racking of a sweek dark cherry puree into a carboy. I have head space in the carboy. Can I put a vacuum on this or what do I need to add to bring it up to the neck? Thanks, Dave
  4. browndd1

    Filtering Wine

    Ok, thank you
  5. browndd1

    Filtering Wine

    When the sg reaches 1 and you rack into carboy, can you filter the wine with like a fermtech system? Will this effect taste vs letting it sit for 30 days then racking?
  6. browndd1

    Stabilizing wine before back sweetening

    My question is that I cant remember whether I added the campden tablets and potassium sorbate to my 5 gallon carboy of wine over a year ago. Should I add them since I cant remember? What if I did in fact add them and give it another dose will it be safe to drink and turnout ok? Thanks, Dave
  7. browndd1

    Bottling Question

    I filtered the wine with a two stage fermtech filtration system prior to bottling. The strawberry-banana is in a 3 gallon carboy with airlock so I can let it age for another 3 months. The red wine was started from welchs grape juice and it is already bottled after filtering. My watermelon...
  8. browndd1

    Bottling Question

    It has been filtered twice. Once after the bentonite did its thing for a week and now because I was planning on bottling it. It tastes pretty good but maybe a little sharp on the bite so this is why I added glycerine.
  9. browndd1

    Bottling Question

    Will it not age properly in the bottle when corked?
  10. browndd1

    Bottling Question

    I have a strawberry-Banana Wine that has been back sweetened, had glycerine added to it and filtered. The Wine is crystal clear. I started the fermentation around 9-15-22. Can I go ahead and bottle now and it age properly in time or will it age for the worse as opposed to aging in a glass...
  11. browndd1

    Watermelon Wine Question

    I dont think it is a ph problem because I added 2.5 tsp per 5-6 gallons of must prior to fermenting. I will check it tomorrow when I get home.
  12. browndd1

    Watermelon Wine Question

    I wouldn’t say sewer. Maybe vomit. Can I check the hydrogen sulfide levels and lower them if needed? I did add yeast nutrient in the must.
  13. browndd1

    Watermelon Wine Question

    I just checked on my watermelon wine in secondary and it smells like urine somewhat. However, when you sample it with some sugar it appears drinkable. Any concerns if the watermelon sour’d during fermentation