It is day 2 on my primary fermentation. I would like to transfer to a ferm fast conical container. Can I just slowly dump both buckets into the conical without disrupting the yeast?
It is day 2 on my primary fermentation. I would like to transfer to a ferm fast conical container. Can I just slowly dump both buckets into the conical without disrupting the yeast?
Excess headspace is a problem. Carboys are popular for home winemakers due to the shape, which narrows at the top so if filled properly, the amount of headspace is tiny in comparison to the volume.Anyone see a problem aging the red wine in the fast ferment conical or should I use a glass carboy?
i will have enough to fill the ferm fast conical up to the topExcess headspace is a problem. Carboys are popular for home winemakers due to the shape, which narrows at the top so if filled properly, the amount of headspace is tiny in comparison to the volume.