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  1. David Engel

    Has anyone retrieved a rubber bung from inside a glass carboy?

    The plastic bag trick is SO easy! 👍
  2. David Engel

    Ridiculous low PH

    Hey All, Update. I’m comparing my lab notes from last year. I started with a little higher brix, and I got the ph up. I used calcium carbonate, got the ph up to 3.55 and fermentation is coming along nicely, the smell is noticeably different than last year, the color is darker, however the taste...
  3. David Engel

    Ridiculous low PH

    Hi All, Second year attempt with Merlot. Starting out just like it did last year… brix of only 18 off the vine. They had to be harvested, swelling due to the rain and some already turning to raisins. Corrected with sugar to get a brix of 23 and sg of .96. Used my PMoYoko ph meter (yea it’s a...
  4. David Engel

    Another vineyard bird/varmit puzzle

    No spraying. These are supposed to be Flame grapes.
  5. David Engel

    Nets & Sprays

    Unless your birds eat green grapes or grapes that are still hard and haven't started to turn, nets are necessary at THAT time when the birds just seem to know the snacks are ready. I just lost 90% of my Pinot Noir because I didn't put nets up soon enough. Can't comment on spray, we don't spray...
  6. David Engel

    Picking grapes before rain comes

    I had this happen last year here in Washington State... what to do. I let it ride. I didn't keep a close enough eye on them and a week later many clusters had grapes that split due to the swelling, rotted and spread to the entire cluster. Tend to them like a new born! Keep an eye on them!
  7. David Engel

    Another vineyard bird/varmit puzzle

    Here is a picture from this morning... AFTER we put up a net below the vines on the trellis. I harvested this morning. My guess is we lost 60 or so grapes in the past 3 days to this phenomenon.
  8. David Engel

    Another vineyard bird/varmit puzzle

    I have a new one for ya'll. We have a Flame grape vine that is several years old and has covered a cattle panel trellis we have. There is a nice brick walkway under it. About 3 days ago, I started seeing grape parts and skins on the bricks walkway underneith the trellis. Washed them off with the...
  9. David Engel

    Just lost my crop to birds!

    Why do we do it??? :slp:slp
  10. David Engel

    Vineyard Rodent Control

    Todd, I applaud you for not giving up! :try
  11. David Engel

    Just lost my crop to birds!

    I can't believe it, I just can't frigging believe it. I was checking the Pinot vines this morning, everything was well. The wife just said there are birds in the back yard. Five out of six vines have ZERO grapes left on them. I'm so mad I could spit. I wasn't going to have enough to do anything...
  12. David Engel

    Local vineyard going to waste, picture here

    I know Chuck... I am on a retirement fixed income and there is so much more I want to do in life besides try to make wine. I did invest in the the vines... will continue to endeavor in the hobby. Cheers!
  13. David Engel

    Local vineyard going to waste, picture here

    Hi All, There is a nice winery/vineyard 15 minutes from my house. The entire vineyard (2 + acres) is Pino Noir. At the beginning of the year, all the vines had nice starts, looking healthy, all the clusters were forming on what looks like very mature vines. I went back yesterday to look at them...