Hi All,
Second year attempt with Merlot. Starting out just like it did last year… brix of only 18 off the vine. They had to be harvested, swelling due to the rain and some already turning to raisins. Corrected with sugar to get a brix of 23 and sg of .96. Used my PMoYoko ph meter (yea it’s a beginner cheepy), did a successful calibration and read 2.5. Then tried two more times and the ph just nosed dived to 2.5 both times. Good brix and sg… what makes the ph so stupid low from these Merlot grapes?
The good woman says “maybe God is trying to tell you something.

Second year attempt with Merlot. Starting out just like it did last year… brix of only 18 off the vine. They had to be harvested, swelling due to the rain and some already turning to raisins. Corrected with sugar to get a brix of 23 and sg of .96. Used my PMoYoko ph meter (yea it’s a beginner cheepy), did a successful calibration and read 2.5. Then tried two more times and the ph just nosed dived to 2.5 both times. Good brix and sg… what makes the ph so stupid low from these Merlot grapes?
The good woman says “maybe God is trying to tell you something.

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