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    • GreatNorthernLlama
      GreatNorthernLlama replied to the thread Beginner Plum Wine.
      Thanks for the tip. This actually reminds me that it was your beginner winemaking process on your site that was the first and possibly...
    • GreatNorthernLlama
      GreatNorthernLlama reacted to Raptor99's post in the thread Beginner Plum Wine with Like Like.
      Campden tablets are fine. Later on, when racking, Kmeta is helpful because you can measure out the exact amount that you want to add. I...
    • GreatNorthernLlama
      GreatNorthernLlama replied to the thread Beginner Plum Wine.
      Ok, coming back to the plum wine lol. I hope to start my must this weekend. I wanted to share my game plan. This is open for...
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    • GreatNorthernLlama
      GreatNorthernLlama replied to the thread Beginner Plum Wine.
      Spicy lmao. At the end of the day as a beginner I wanted to remove any possible way to mess up my batch. I figured pits adds volume and...
    • GreatNorthernLlama
      GreatNorthernLlama replied to the thread Beginner Plum Wine.
      @winemaker81, regarding secondary storage, I've got maybe 30 bottles from a kit we used to make our wedding wine years ago...
    • GreatNorthernLlama
      GreatNorthernLlama replied to the thread Beginner Plum Wine.
      My gawd! thats a huge batch. How much was the end result (aka can I scale this down to a single 5-6 gallon initial fermentation)...
    • GreatNorthernLlama
      GreatNorthernLlama replied to the thread Beginner Plum Wine.
      @Hazelemere, according to an arborist I had out looking at my trees this fall, they are Italian plums @winemaker81, appreciate the...
    • GreatNorthernLlama
      GreatNorthernLlama replied to the thread Beginner Plum Wine.
      Okay I was thinking the exact same thing. Comparing the two recipe's I could see how little fruit there is. I also figured I'd add more...
    • GreatNorthernLlama
      GreatNorthernLlama replied to the thread Beginner Plum Wine.
      Thanks so much Mike! I should of specified I haven't actually started fermentation. I've got 160 lbs (yes not a typo) of plums I'm...
    • GreatNorthernLlama
      Absolute beginner here jumping into the deep end. We bought our first home last fall complete with a plum and apple tree. While the...
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