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  1. GreatNorthernLlama

    Mead vs Cyser

    I was actually already creeping both of these (your site is super helpful). I made the assumption though that an apple "wine" was different than a mead. Maybe not? Going for diversity this year as my first season brewing lol. Maybe its literally just bottling that's different?
  2. GreatNorthernLlama

    Mead vs Cyser

    First-time brewer here. Finally harvesting the apples from our tree in the back yard. Let's get the first question out of the way right off the bat: My tree was hit HARD this year by both cedar rust and apple scab. I had an arborist come look at my tree to confirm this. According to him the...
  3. GreatNorthernLlama

    Beginner Plum Wine

    Thanks for the tip. This actually reminds me that it was your beginner winemaking process on your site that was the first and possibly only time I've seen someone say to cover the primary fermentation bucket with a towel. Everywhere else I look has a lid with an airlock valve. In a short time...
  4. GreatNorthernLlama

    Beginner Plum Wine

    Ok, coming back to the plum wine lol. I hope to start my must this weekend. I wanted to share my game plan. This is open for comment/criticism (please, save me now instead of later). 1 Gallon starting attempt of plum wine Day 1 (Initial Mix of Must) SANITIZE ALL THE THINGS Mix Ingredients...
  5. GreatNorthernLlama

    Beginner Plum Wine

    Spicy lmao. At the end of the day as a beginner I wanted to remove any possible way to mess up my batch. I figured pits adds volume and mass not factored in other recipes and maybe even leaves a bit of extra bitter flavor for all I knew. Better safe than sorry I figured
  6. GreatNorthernLlama

    Beginner Plum Wine

    @winemaker81, regarding secondary storage, I've got maybe 30 bottles from a kit we used to make our wedding wine years ago (unfortunately didn't get me much experience as it was an in-house place. We just mixed up the must and bottle and they take care of everything else for you on-site). In...
  7. GreatNorthernLlama

    Beginner Plum Wine

    My gawd! thats a huge batch. How much was the end result (aka can I scale this down to a single 5-6 gallon initial fermentation). @winemaker81 thanks for this! I'm getting the impression the few video's I linked originally are at least reasonable, but I should never expect to just follow a...
  8. GreatNorthernLlama

    Beginner Plum Wine

    @Hazelemere, according to an arborist I had out looking at my trees this fall, they are Italian plums @winemaker81, appreciate the help! As I've been looking through the forums I've learned a TON in just a few days, but trying to find a specific recipe is tough. I think I'm getting comfortable...
  9. GreatNorthernLlama

    Beginner Plum Wine

    Okay I was thinking the exact same thing. Comparing the two recipe's I could see how little fruit there is. I also figured I'd add more based on how dry and bitter he noted the wine was at the end of the video. It really seemed like he tried to play it up like it was a nice wine but looked like...
  10. GreatNorthernLlama

    Beginner Plum Wine

    Thanks so much Mike! I should of specified I haven't actually started fermentation. I've got 160 lbs (yes not a typo) of plums I'm processing this week. Pitting, vac sealing and tossing in the freezer. The advice I'm looking for right now is mostly some basic starting tips. I do have a...
  11. GreatNorthernLlama

    Beginner Plum Wine

    Absolute beginner here jumping into the deep end. We bought our first home last fall complete with a plum and apple tree. While the apple tree is not doing so hot thanks to the humid summer we've had here, the plum tree went absolutely wild. As a last-second moment of panic trying to think what...