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  1. Milbon

    UK Vine Reccomendations

    Thanks ill be sure to buy myself a copy. I hadn't come across it. I had read though a piece on vineworks which was pretty helpful I need to do a soil test asap in the garden however chatting to some potato...
  2. Milbon

    UK Vine Reccomendations

    Hi all, I have recently moved from Yorkshire to sunny Tenby in South Wales. I am planning on planting a number of vines in a section of my garden in the spring and I am beginning to plan now. Does anyone UK based, have any recommendations of hardy variety that are mildew resistant have a...
  3. Milbon

    Degassing (newbie)

    thanks for all of the help everyone! i will certainly do this next time. i'm planning on doing a few kits to "get my eye in". interesting that the kits say to bottle so early, why would they do this? As a thumb going forward, ill clear/bulk age for a few months in a carboy, maybe with a...
  4. Milbon

    Degassing (newbie)

    Thanks for the response. This may be a very silly question, but during degassing, how do you know when to stop?
  5. Milbon

    Degassing (newbie)

    Hi all, Ive just finished bottling my very first wine kit and so far im pretty proud of myself! I wont get too ahead of myself and reserve full judgement until I have given it a month or so in the bottle before drinking. One main question I have is with regard to degassing. Im not really sure...
  6. Milbon

    Hello from South Wales, UK

    thats quite the change of scenery!
  7. Milbon

    Hello from South Wales, UK

    Hi Mike, I actually live in Penally which is the village 5 minutes walk down the beach from Tenby :)
  8. Milbon

    Hello from South Wales, UK

    thats good to hear. I have a feeling our climate may throw a few issues my way with the vines so will need some UK centric help
  9. Milbon

    Hello from South Wales, UK

    Hi everyone, Wine making is something I've been longing to do for years; and I am currently making from my 1st kit and have some 2yr old Bacchus vines in the garden. With a view to making wine from them as they mature. Im based in Tenby, South Wales in the UK and am looking forward to...