Degassing (newbie)

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Sep 13, 2024
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Pembrokeshire, Wales, UK
Hi all,

Ive just finished bottling my very first wine kit and so far im pretty proud of myself! I wont get too ahead of myself and reserve full judgement until I have given it a month or so in the bottle before drinking.

One main question I have is with regard to degassing. Im not really sure I degassed enough before clearing the wine (how do you know when is enough) so I am a little worried there still may be some gasses in the wine now bottles. Firsty, Is there an issue if this is the case? and seocndly, is there any means of degassing the wine at this late stage?
Hi all,

Ive just finished bottling my very first wine kit and so far im pretty proud of myself! I wont get too ahead of myself and reserve full judgement until I have given it a month or so in the bottle before drinking.

One main question I have is with regard to degassing. Im not really sure I degassed enough before clearing the wine (how do you know when is enough) so I am a little worried there still may be some gasses in the wine now bottles. Firsty, Is there an issue if this is the case? and seocndly, is there any means of degassing the wine at this late stage?

How long was the wine aging in a carboy before you bottled? If it’s 6 months or more, then the wine probably has outgassed by now. The CO2 in the bottle won’t hurt anything, your wine may have a bit of a sharp note, maybe even a fizz to it. Decanting red wines will help drive the gas out, or letting the glass of wine sit for 30 minutes before drinking.

There’s a product called the vac-u-vin. Looks like a wine stopper but has a one way flapper valve on it. A handheld pump is used to pull a slight vacuum on the wine. The purpose is to remove oxygen in the headspace so the wine won’t oxidize if the bottle isn’t consumed in a few days. You could use it to pull CO2 out of the bottle as soon as you open it.
How long was the wine aging in a carboy before you bottled? If it’s 6 months or more, then the wine probably has outgassed by now. The CO2 in the bottle won’t hurt anything, your wine may have a bit of a sharp note, maybe even a fizz to it. Decanting red wines will help drive the gas out, or letting the glass of wine sit for 30 minutes before drinking.

There’s a product called the vac-u-vin. Looks like a wine stopper but has a one way flapper valve on it. A handheld pump is used to pull a slight vacuum on the wine. The purpose is to remove oxygen in the headspace so the wine won’t oxidize if the bottle isn’t consumed in a few days. You could use it to pull CO2 out of the bottle as soon as you open it.
Thanks for the response.

This may be a very silly question, but during degassing, how do you know when to stop?
Watch for corks pushing out the bottle -- that is clear evidence of too much CO2. If that is happening, you need to unbottle the wine, stir it (see below), and let it rest 2 to 4 weeks under airlock. Then rebottle.

If the corks don't push, then you're probably ok. However, I'd chill the bottle before popping the first cork. If you get a light "pop", it's probably ok. If you get a gusher ... you'll need to unbottle as above.

Note: DO NOT secure the corks in any way, e.g., wire them down -- pressure could build enough a weak spot in the glass may fail, e.g., explode. Wine bottles are unrated for pressure, meaning no amount of pressure is considered safe. A light spritz is probably not dangerous, but if I'm sparkling a wine in any way, I use a champagne bottle which is rated for pressure.

This may be a very silly question, but during degassing, how do you know when to stop?
After the first racking/pressing, I stir the wine with a drill-mounted stirring rod for 1 minute, changing direction half way through. This expels a lot of CO2 and jump starts the process. IME the wine will fully degas within a month or so.

When stirring I build up a slight vortex, but do not "whip" the wine. I'm expelling CO2, not introducing O2.

If you are bottling on kit schedule (4 to 8 weeks), I recommend don't. Once the wine is in bulk aging, let it rest for at least 3 months. Wine goes through a lot of chemical changes in the first 4-12 months, and it's best to let it work through those changes as a single unit. Plus it has time to fully degas AND to drop all sediment in the carboy, not the bottle.