If moving carboy's for bottling purposes is getting out of the question, then there is this:
I'll probably need one in the future. I do not have an AIO pump, but I do have Steve's premium filler and...
Mayo & ketchup we don't fool with, rather get it at HEB. Meat is definitely cheaper at Costco, and generally of higher quality. (Choice vs Select). We will buy the big bags of rice, then we potion it into smaller bags and vacuum seal those. Non-fresh vegetables are usually frozen as my wife...
It is a valid reason, depending upon how many times you rack. I have the marbles, and use them sometimes, but I rack 3 times before bottling so lees aren't an issue.
Not always, I always compare prices online to those in a store. I need some electrical cable, looked at Amazon, Lowes, HD, and McCoy's. Lowes was cheaper by far, going over there on Friday to purchase what I need.
I had not noticed that, but looks like you are correct JBP. It too bad, they had a nice store, with lots of stock. Always a lot of customers there. Probably near the end for them too.
I've noticed this for a while, even before George died he was talking about closing his shop, and this was in Dallas. San Antonio is now down to one poor shop and they have very little winemaker support. Looks like Austin Homebrew is still going and they they now stock RJS as well as WE, but...
I usually make Tavola for my table wine and Forte for longer term. I made one Tavola w/o skins and did not like the lightness, so every other Tavola has had at least one skin pack. Depending on the varietal made I also add raisins, etc.
BTW - I have made Tavola with 2 skins packs and it adds...
G&G also sells on Amazon.
OP - I haven't used the directions in years. It stays in the primary for at least a month, with the skins. I use ColorPro on all my reds, if I use a skin pack. Maybe I make swill, but my wife likes it. I think you have to try really hard to doof up a FWK kit.
Looks like you're right about Mosti. To bad as they made some nice kits. Used them exclusively for many years, due to George's recommendation. After George died their whole effort in the US seemed to collapse.
Corona is great on a hot day, otherwise all are swill until you get to Sam Adams and below. Life is too short to drink trash beer. Excepting Natural Light and PBR of course, which belong in the trash pile.