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  1. R

    Time vs Temp for Color Extraction

    I could be wrong but I believe Lodi is also what I use. maybe it’s not be maybe it’s the grapes haha
  2. R

    Time vs Temp for Color Extraction

    2 years ago, I remember the outside temp was higher so my must ran through primary in like 4 days at 80-85 degrees, color was light. This year I kept the must around 70-72 and I fermented over 11 days, color is definitely better, but this year is also Montepulciano and not CS so not a great...
  3. R

    Time vs Temp for Color Extraction

    I’m curious everyone’s opinion on how to maximize color extraction. I have made CS for a few years in a row and every year the color is weak. I understand that higher temp means more color extraction, but that would also lead to a shorter fermentation, which would lead to less less color...
  4. R

    How quickly does mold form

    Hey all, what’s your experience with mold growth on the cap? I am nearing the end of my primary, 1.002 last night, but I think I’ve stalled out due to the cold temperatures (getting to low 40s at night and wine is in uncontrolled garage). I figured once I get the carboys inside to do MLF there...
  5. R

    Using Old Malolactic Bacteria

    Yea I used some of it last year but put the rest into a zip lock and into the freezer. I tend to agree with you though
  6. R

    Using Old Malolactic Bacteria

    Hey all, just realized I never bought malolactic bacteria for this year’s wine and won’t be able to receive it until probably 4-5 days after pressing. I do have CH16 in the freezer from last year, think this is any good still? Or do you all think I should just get a fresh batch and inoculate...
  7. R

    Vinegar from skins

    FOR SCIENCE!!!!……send me a sample
  8. R

    Vinegar from skins

    I have heard that you need to be careful making vinegar in the same location as wine because of the acetobacters that are given off. Given that my house is not that big (and both vinegar production and MLF need to be in room temperature) I can’t realistically keep them that far away from each...
  9. R

    Vinegar from skins

    are you sure about this? Not at the fact that it’s made from red wine but that you simply let wine go straight to vinegar without any dilution. The almighty internet says that above 10% acid you’re getting into corrosive levels of acid that are for cleaning and not consumption. I’m just...
  10. R

    Vinegar from skins

    So sounds like to yield a 5-6% acid vinegar, you would need a 5-6% alcohol wine. I guess that makes sense given that I believe the chemical formula from Ethanol to acetic acid is 1 to 1.
  11. R

    Vinegar from skins

    Does anyone reuse their skins to make vinegar after their wine is complete? My grandma did this for years, so figured I’d give it a try. I added skins, water and sugar back into the bucket to bring the SG up to 1.08ish and pitched yeast. Only thing is now I’m reading that a 10-11% wine will...
  12. R

    My first 2023 Merlot Wine Racking

    I did use Lallzyme EX-V, then added FT Rouge 8 hours later per directions. So far it doesn’t seem super dark but sometimes it’s deceiving before the wine clears. In the meantime, I’m going to take winemakers advice and seal up the brute, so what I did was bought a silicone gasket from Home...
  13. R

    My first 2023 Merlot Wine Racking

    I’m 4 days into my fermentation (1.5 parts Cab Sav, 1 part merlot, 1 part petite Syrah) and will probably be almost dry when I measure today, yet color still seems light. I’m a little apprehensive to do an EM since the headspace in the brute is probably 8-10 inches. I guess it will be a game...
  14. R

    Critique my process

    Hey all, quick update/question on my rosé, the original color was quite purple when I did the saignee. Now that the fermentation has been going for two days, the color has gotten much lighter (pic may seem a little brown but I think it’s more just that it lost the purple color). What would...
  15. R

    Critique my process

    Hey everyone, got the grapes crushed into the Brute! SG was 1.094, TA at 0.6%, pH at 3.73. Given the TA, I’m not too concerned about the pH, do you agree? Also, considering I did a saignee for some Rosé, should I be adding in some acidity to that batch? I don’t know much about pH of rosé