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  1. V

    Fermenting Friends ~ wine clubs

    Live in SE MN, very interested Email me at Xxxxx Thanks, Ann
  2. V

    What's in your glass tonight?

    2023 sweet Brianna and a 2022 California Viognier!
  3. V

    Where can we buy fresh grapes for red wine making?

    Keep in mind that wine you buy for $25/bottle has likely been aged a minimum of 18 months or more. You will need to factor that in to your equipment purchases. How many of each vine do you have at home?
  4. V

    For Sale Moving!! Winemaking equipment for sale

    Please PM info on the crusher and 235 liter fermentation tank. Thanks, Ann
  5. V

    New member

    I haven’t found a local wine group near Rochester, MN. But connected with someone who is part of a group in holmen, wi and we drive over to attend a meeting. We plant to plant both itasca and petit pearl next spring. Brianna vines planted last year.
  6. V

    Hi from Wi!

    Yes, would love to be on the list. Lacrosse is about an hour away, so that would work.
  7. V

    What are your opinions on using bentonite? Does it remove flavor?

    I have always added it at the start of fermentation, is that wrong? Used super-kleer to fine at the end. So much to learn!
  8. V

    Hi from Wi!

    Do they still do juice buckets? The place in Minneapolis closed and I am looking for a new source
  9. V

    New member

    Also an enthusiastic hobbiest! Excited to start doing some blending, but also a little terrified
  10. V

    New member

    Planning a winery in a couple of years.
  11. V

    New member

    Started making wine from kits about 20 years ago, moved to frozen juice pails 5 years ago, fresh grapes from cold hardy varietals, 3 years ago planted 75 Frontenac Gris vines, last year 50 Marquette, and 25 each of Frontenac, lacresant and Brianna. Will plant 125 more vines next spring, petit...