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  1. W

    Hello from Kansas

    NE edge of KS. Not too far west of Ft Leavenworth. I think Glen Elder, or should I say Waconda Lake, is about 3.5 hours west of us.
  2. W

    Totally messed up - can I recover?

    Bryan, This is very reassuring. Thanks for weighing in.
  3. W

    Hello from Kansas

    Very true. Go Chiefs!
  4. W

    Hello from Kansas

    Sorry, Jayhawker! My loyalties lie with K-State. Thanks though for the welcome. Very much appreciated.
  5. W

    Hello from Kansas

    Thanks everyone! You're a very welcoming group.
  6. W

    Totally messed up - can I recover?

    Winechef, I'm using a FastFerment conical fermenter system. I went through the same process you do, but it all happens in the same vat and drains from the bottom. Whole process was 27 days; 5 day primary fermentation, 14 day secondary fermentation then stabilizing, clearing and degassing (days...
  7. W

    Totally messed up - can I recover?

    Rocky, You realize we've really dated ourselves, right? Admitting that we were in the 3ID back when it was in Germany still - when The Wall came down at that. Yes, I was in 2nd BDE. Spent most of my time in 1-15 INF (Kitzingen then Schweinfurt). As a family, we loved Germany - some of our best...
  8. W

    Totally messed up - can I recover?

    Rocky, Thanks for the reassurance. Yes, we did taste the wine and that's why I don't want to lose it. Rock of the Marne! "I'd rather Be A Dogface Soldier Like I Am."
  9. W

    Hello from Kansas

    Hi all! Very new to home wine making. My real hobby is woodworking (and fixing stuff on the farm), but a classmate bought me basically everything I needed to get started with wine, so here I am. I'm approaching this very cautiously. I found this forum out of desperation. Having possibly messed...
  10. W

    Totally messed up - can I recover?

    Thanks for responding so quickly. Yes, I added the potassium metabisulfite at day 15 as the instructions said (not that I know why). The bottles were from my 1st batch of wine (that I basically threw out) that we didn't care for. So, I take it that I shouldn't try to do anything at this point...
  11. W

    Totally messed up - can I recover?

    I just made my 2nd batch of wine yesterday using a FastFerment system and a Malbec kit. Bottled 25 bottles. I am pretty pleased with the results, but just realized I screwed up royally. I had cleaned the bottles and let them drain on a bottle rack. I used Starsan to sanitize everything that...