Hello from Kansas

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May 31, 2024
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Hi all! Very new to home wine making. My real hobby is woodworking (and fixing stuff on the farm), but a classmate bought me basically everything I needed to get started with wine, so here I am. I'm approaching this very cautiously. I found this forum out of desperation. Having possibly messed up my 2nd batch of wine I need help making a go of this. Thanks!
welcome to WMT

humm, ,, well there are quite a few things a wine maker can make for the winery, ,, in the old days even a screw press would be made out of wood.

In wine making taste is everything. What kind of taste were you producing? The good thing out of wine making is that a food under pH 4 with 11% alcohol isn’t a risk for food poisoning. Sample and spit if it tastes bad.
(edit- I see you did a Malbec kit, reds have good shelf life/ a good place to start)
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Where you at in Kansas. Daughter lives there and we spend a lot of time in Glen Elder. Actually spend more time there than at home during fishing season. LOL, Arne.
Where you at in Kansas. Daughter lives there and we spend a lot of time in Glen Elder. Actually spend more time there than at home during fishing season. LOL, Arne.
NE edge of KS. Not too far west of Ft Leavenworth. I think Glen Elder, or should I say Waconda Lake, is about 3.5 hours west of us.
Yep, you are a ways away. If you are ever out this way give a shout. Will do the same if I get that way, but just do not get over there for some reason. Arne.