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    WineXpert Happy customer tonight & getting a LE Pacific Quartet

    You guys are making me excited about mine. I have a couple more in line in front of it before I get some empty carboys though. I'd bump it up to the front based on this thread, but I've already made the labels for the other batches and have a date code on there so that I'll recognize exactly...
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    WineXpert Am I missing something?? Top up question...

    I totally agree. I don't see how you could possibly get 30 bottles if you don't top of it all. Since I use mostly the larger Italian carboys and I top up at every stage beginning with racking from primary, I generally get about 32 bottles. Or actually about 30 bottles with about 4 to 6 splits...
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    WineXpert Am I missing something?? Top up question...

    Somebody please advise me if this is a bad thing, but I can't stand seeing the airspace in the top of the carboy so I always end up putting similar wine in. But never more water. Sent from my iPhone using Wine Making
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    Cellar Craft Sterling Tempranillo

    I guess I can re-purpose this Tempranillo. But for topping up, I am hesitant to use a wine I don't like to top up with. Am I over concerned here? Sent from my iPhone using Wine Making
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    Cellar Craft Sterling Tempranillo

    Well tried my first split of the Tempranillo tonight. Was bottled on November 21. It's still pretty young but it's also pretty lifeless. It was my first kit, and I followed the directions by topping up with water anytime needed (almost 2 liters). Also I left way too much in the primary for...
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    RJ Spagnols EP Aussie Chardonnay

    Okay. Couldn't wait any longer. After stirring 2 to 3 times a week for the last couple of months I finally racked off the lees. Added clearing agents about four days ago and looks fantastically clear already. I figure I'll let it sit for another 10 days or so and then rack off of what settled...
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    WineXpert Eclipse Lodi Cab

    Wineh, When you pull off the two thirds of a bottle, do you do it before you start racking at the beginning? Or do you do it at the end and just put it aside? I thought about doing that but my fear was getting oxygenation in that two thirds of a bottle that I had left. Now thinking about it I...
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    WineXpert Availability of WE LE Oregon Pinot Noir

    I agree. The fedex and ups notifications are really helpfull Sent from my iPhone using Wine Making
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    WineXpert Eclipse Lodi Cab

    Yikes! Just racked from primary yesterday. SG .995 after 6 days. Took everything that would go thru the bucket spout in order to fill the carboy and not need topping up. Kept having to un-clog the spout. What a pain. Probably gonna put oak chips in bag next time. Checked it this morning and...
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    WineXpert A Problem Restarting Incomplete LE -- Ferment Over, Or Let Sit?

    Good one. I didn't get the April fools joke but when I went back to look and see if this was a newbie I realized that you have far too much experience for this to be serious. Sent from my iPhone using Wine Making
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    Cellar Craft CC KR LR Grand Red

    Because I put the date on my labels when I order them, I'm kind of stuck doing them in the order that I have labels set up for. Grog tag had a huge sale a little while back and I went ahead and ordered labels for the next six kits. Unfortunately I didn't have the grand red at the time. All I...
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    Cellar Craft CC KR LR Grand Red

    I may have to bump this one up in front of some others. This sounds really good Sent from my iPhone using Wine Making
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    WineXpert Availability of WE LE Oregon Pinot Noir

    I got a similar extremely rude response "Do not call or email about your order...," to my inquiry as well - same place. Sent from my iPhone using Wine Making
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    Other 2014 limited wine kits - what are you planning

    Here's my lineup on LE's: KR Temp/Garnacha - clear and resting in carboy LE Oregon pinot noir - arrived LE Pacific Quartet - arrived KR Grand Red II - arrived Can't wait to get these started, but have a few others on deck and taking up carboy space right now. Need more carboys! Sent...
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    RJ Spagnols EP Aussie Chardonnay

    I do not recall Sent from my iPhone using Wine Making
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    Mosti Mondiale Arrrg Meglioli not clearing AGAIN

    From what I've gathered, I would agree racking occasionally during the year as I see sediment buildup would probably be good. Sent from my iPhone using Wine Making
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    WineXpert Bottling day!

    Looks awesome! Well done. Sent from my iPhone using Wine Making
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    RJ Spagnols EP Aussie Chardonnay

    Hmmmm. I haven't seen those threads. I hope not. I do remember that I questioned whether I would add sorbate at all though. Figured with as little experience as I have at this point, I'd go ahead and play it safe. Sent from my iPhone using Wine Making
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    WineXpert Availability of WE LE Oregon Pinot Noir

    Me too! Sent from my iPhone using Wine Making
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    RJ Spagnols EP Aussie Chardonnay

    Started mine on jan 16. Added sorbate and KMeta on feb 12 and been stirring 2-3 times a week since. I figure on keeping that up for another month or so and then rack off lees for clearing. So far so good. Sent from my iPhone using Wine Making