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  1. S

    I'm baffeled

    started a 13%+ PA sugar wine a month ago--it has been fermentin actively. When the sg reached 1.020 i switched to my close range hydrometer. The fermenting is very slow now-- it is tetering around 1.020 or a little less. I gave it a dose of energizer last night--the sg is a hair less than 1.020...
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    I was just wondering if a partial treatment of 5.2 would produce predictable results. I already have the tools and chemicals to adjust ph up or down. i was basically looking for an easier way. All under controll now ok thanks.
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    thats what i needed to know. thanks. I have been reading a few papers written on how to make various buffers wit various chemicals it is an interesting subject. Thanks all who replyed.
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    I think i will just experiment for myself basically i was wondering if i added for example 1/2 the amount of 5.2 buffer recomended for one gallon of water that was at 7 ph would the result be about 5.2 + 7 =12.2 divided by 2 = prox 6.2
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    I have some 5.2 buffer in my collection. My water is 7.2. before i experiment can any one tell me if using less than the recomended amount of 5.2 will give me a ph somewhere on between 7.2 and 5.2
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    wine calc

    How are you oold friend??? Great to hear from you as always.
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    wine calc

    Thats it--thanks a million. thanks thanks thanks thanks thanks thanks thanks thanks thanks thanks thanks thanks thanks thanks thanks thanks thanks thanks thanks thanks
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    wine calc

    I have been using wine calc for years. it was found at It seems it is no longer there. I just wiped my drive and re installed xp. OOPS no more wine calc. I figured i would easily find it again after cleaning house. I was mistaken...
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    glasses from empty bottles?

    Italians drink wine from anything lol
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    Only in Texas..............

    Why cant we buy guns in wyn dixie??? i guess florida lags in the gun area.
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    microscope to study yeast

    wELL IGOT TO FOCUSING THE MICROSCOPE. THEN I ORDEREDA DEDICATED((oops caps)) camera. I want to post the forst pictures i took and then say that i hope soon to get some yeast shots of hydrating yeast. I went crazy getting the software installed on the vista based laptop. it running now Im...
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    I just spotted this thread Waldo. I like your new avatar BUT!!!!!! Whats wrong with Chatau trailourpark. $2 wine may be a source for cooler base with the benefit of free bottles too. unless they are pop tops??? The drug store chan sells something called oak vreek at 3...
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    microscope to study yeast

    Do you mean like my eyebrows????
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    microscope to study yeast

    I have a few concavityslides that i will use for that as soon as i learn how not to destroy my new scope.
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    ? about Grape juice wine...

    I would like to hear at what point you added the 5 campden tabs (before, after or along with what)) i asume you made a 5 gallon batch.
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    microscope to study yeast

    With practicing and using the lowest power first i am actually able to focus all 5 of the provided prepared slides. Now i need to know if i must use oil with the oil imersion 100x lense. I havent even tried that one yet. This company must asume that folks know how to operate the scope...
  17. S

    microscope to study yeast

    Yes Joan. 4 lenses. I do start with the 4x one first. I think i was doing it the wrong way. A book said to try focusing as i bring the lense closer. That seems to be the answer and i believe that the 4 factory prepared slides may be chinese rejects. Ill keep trying and boy am i glad i...
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    microscope to study yeast

    sacromyceseyeballis it keeps a close watch on the progress of your wine
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    microscope to study yeast

    I still have to learn to focus it first
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    microscope to study yeast

    i think thats the answer