microscope to study yeast

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Senior Member
Jun 11, 2006
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I just bought a mcroscope-- gee its hard to operate. i tried 3 diferent factory prepared slides so far and all i see are my eyebrows.

I thought i was just going to look thwough the eyepiece and see whatever.

I think i am using an improper technique for focusing.

ill just have to google a bit more
Have the kid show you how to use it Scotty. They can use just about anything easier than us old geezers. It will be good bonding.
Actually they even have ones that are reasonable for the computer. Watch the slide on your monitor instead of looking through the eyepiece.
That is the yeast your looking at , it just looks like your eyebrows!
Do you have more than one lens? Focus first with the shortest lens(smallest magnification) then try your next longest lens, focus, and so on. You will probably have to move your slide a bit each time you change lenses.

it keeps a close watch on the progress of your wine
Yes Joan.
4 lenses. I do start with the 4x one first.
I think i was doing it the wrong way. A book said to try focusing as i bring the lense closer. That seems to be the answer and i believe that the 4 factory prepared slides may be chinese rejects.
Ill keep trying and boy am i glad i didnt buy the camera or ypgrade the laptop memory yet.

thanks joan for the tip

and the to rest of you #$%$#$%
Do you have blank slides and slips? If so, just put a drop of yeasty wine on the slide and lay a slip on top of the drop.
You won't need a lot of magnification for yeast. Start with the smallest number first. Lower the table enough to clear the smallest lens (Be sure to turn the focus knob so the head is farthest down). If you change the lens, be sure to readjust the table. By starting farthest down and focusing upward, you won't lower it too far and break the slide.
Try something big first like laying a penny down on the stage. That's something you know what it should look like right off the bat and you can figure out the controls (usually) much quicker.
With practicing and using the lowest power first i am actually able to focus all 5 of the provided prepared slides.
Now i need to know if i must use oil with the oil imersion 100x lense. I havent even tried that one yet. This company must asume that folks know how to operate the scope

This item


With the pan acromatic lense option

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Joan said:
Do you have blank slides and slips? If so, just put a drop of yeasty wine on the slide and lay a slip on top of the drop.

I have a few concavityslides that i will use for that as soon as i learn how not to destroy my new scope.
ibglowin said:
Try something big first like laying a penny down on the stage. That's something you know what it should look like right off the bat and you can figure out the controls (usually) much quicker.

Do you mean like my eyebrows????
wELL IGOT TO FOCUSING THE MICROSCOPE. THEN I ORDEREDA DEDICATED((oops caps)) camera. I want to post the forst pictures i took and then say that i hope soon to get some yeast shots of hydrating yeast. I went crazy getting the software installed on the vista based laptop. it running now

Im slow to get to yeast because im trying to learn the equipment

These are cross sections of dicots. The slides were purchased

