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  1. LoneTreeFarms

    Skittle Wine

    really nervous about the hgh SG on the initial reading. that plus the reading i did today that the cotes des blancs yeast tops out at 14%. i suppose i worry too much, just don't want to stick the fermentation, aside from introduction my oxygen anything i can do to help the little engine that could?
  2. LoneTreeFarms

    Skittle Wine

    crap i made 5 gallons of this stuff last night and my SG was 1.15, i threw in the yeast i think it was cote des blancs, don't have the notes with me now, but i'm hoping the yeast will not be over powered. the wax layer sucked, but this smelled incredible last night.
  3. LoneTreeFarms

    Skittle Wine

    subscribed! i'm making 5 gallons of this tonight. has anyone tried food coloring at the end instead of the brown/grey look? just curoius
  4. LoneTreeFarms

    Vacuum Transfer Wine Pump Giveaway

    you have been liked on facebook! love the site!
  5. LoneTreeFarms

    I'm gonna have to throw one heck of a party to get rid of all this!

    aw why not?? haha how's this stuff taste with the kool aid added in? i'd never thought about adding that. is three packets enough to give it a pronounced flavor or just for coloring?
  6. LoneTreeFarms


    how is this stuff? have you tried it at all yet or is it still aging?
  7. LoneTreeFarms

    grape crusher

    i've got an idea for a grape crusher but didn't know if it'd work. a local business went under recently and i picked up a bunn coffee grinder for next to nothing thinking id be able to run grapes through it. think it'll work?
  8. LoneTreeFarms

    wine help

    last night i had a friend drop off a 5 gallon bucket of grapes. i sat the bucket in the fridge as it was too late to do anything with, but i plan on starting it tonight. my question is should i freeze the grapes like i do with other fruits to help break it down or should i just start to...
  9. LoneTreeFarms

    Fall 2011 price list out

    any chance anyone is delivering these babies? i'm in Iowa and it'd be an insane drive out east. but a fun one!
  10. LoneTreeFarms

    Grape Juice

    i've made 5 or 6 batches of wine with the welch's 100% from concentrate like everyone else says it tastes fine, i guess i've never seen 100% grape juice that wasn't from concentrate. what brand are you looking at?
  11. LoneTreeFarms

    Bulk aging questions

    rack onto 1 crushed campden tablet per gallon, and 2/3 teaspoon of sorbate per gallon, mixed and dissolved in a little water or like someone else suggested some of the wine would be better
  12. LoneTreeFarms

    What order should I do these things in?

    rack onto 1 crushed campden tablet per gallon, and 2/3 teaspoon of sorbate per gallon, mixed and dissolved in a little water. After you do that, wait about 3 days and sweeten to taste. The easiest way to sweeten is to dissolve your sweetener (honey, sugar, etc) into water, or some of the wine...
  13. LoneTreeFarms

    Hello From Iowa!

    i thought i recognized the name i play golf in the summer with a guy named shane is that your cousin? you've guessed the right place i live up near badger
  14. LoneTreeFarms

    Hello From Iowa!

    Welcome Lost, Looks like we're from the same town! We should swap recipes sometime. Thanks Ben
  15. LoneTreeFarms

    Hello from Ft Dodge Iowa

    Hello everyone, My name is Ben I'm from a small town near Fort Dodge Iowa. Recently the neighbor and I got into making wine as a hobby for something to do in the winter time. I'm currently on my second and third batches of wine with a 5 gallon batch of Edwort's Apfelwein, and a 6 gallon batch of...