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  1. R

    Invert sugar

    Why go through the trouble of making invert sugar. Why not just add sugar and stir?
  2. R

    Concord wine problems

    I wondered that myself, but then realized that the wine is slightly sweet, which suggests that the remaining gravity points are at least partly because of residual sugar.
  3. R

    Concord wine problems

    Hmmm,,adjust your winemaking habits to your drinking habits, not the other way around. Brilliant! :^) I already have (2) 3 gallon, (2) 5 gallon, (1) 6 gallon and (2) 7 gallon carboys available so I am ready to follow your sound advice, again. Thanks again!
  4. R

    Concord wine problems

    I do have another question for future batches, about aeration. Coming from a beer making background where oxygenation is absolutely verboten once fermentation has begun it is hard for me to wrap my head around the frequent splashing and stirring and sampling you wine makers seem to do, but it...
  5. R

    Concord wine problems

    Brian and David, thanks for the advice, which I will follow. I do hate the waiting, though. I think that's part of the reason I switched from wine making to beer making about 30 years ago. I already know I'll make this again, and probably regularly, so once I have a batch on hand that's ready...
  6. R

    Concord wine problems

    Time for an update: The wine has been upstairs for the last 2 months, where the temps ranged from 66F to 69F. Still no change in gravity, still at 1.006. It’s been at this gravity for almost 6 months. I tasted the hydrometer sample and it is very nice. It started at 1.092 and fermented with...
  7. R

    Post a Meme, any Meme! (no politics)

    I'm getting a little green just thinking about seeing that.
  8. R

    Concord wine problems

    I may try that in the future but I want to see what it tastes like without oak first. Thanks!
  9. R

    Concord wine problems

    Chuck, glad you asked! On Jan. 12 I re-hydrated a packet of EC-1118 and dumped it in. This was in a 5 gallon carboy, filled to the base of the neck. I thought about moving it back to my 6.5 gallon carboy but decided I would just keep a close watch for a day or two and move it only if...
  10. R

    Concord wine problems

    1.006 is the gravity it is stuck at. The O.G. was 1.092.
  11. R

    Concord wine problems

    LOL! I started this batch out with a purple Mount Vesuvius. I think I would like to avoid another one! Thanks!
  12. R

    Concord wine problems

    My 5 gallon carboy is filled right to the base of the neck. The 1118 has been in there for 5 hours or so now. I'm wondering if I'll have a problem with gushing or, since the gravity is only 1.006 and the wine is currently at 61F, and there was no aeration or splashing, maybe by the time the...
  13. R

    Concord wine problems

    Thanks again to everyone. I think I'll go the 1118 route today, and when it's fermented the rest of the way I'll store it in the fridge for a few weeks to drop the acid some.
  14. R

    Concord wine problems

    Thanks everyone. The EC-1118 is tempting, but I wonder if it might squash the flavor and aroma I'm getting right now from the wine? Or is that not a concern when I'm only trying to ferment the last 6 or 7 gravity points. I would like to get it down to a dry finish but not if it risks losing...
  15. R

    Concord wine problems

    Oh, about the open bucket primary - do you cover the bucket with a cloth, or just loosely place the lid on?
  16. R

    Concord wine problems

    Hmmm,, just read up on the EC-1118 yeast. Maybe if I pitched that I wouldn't have to bring the wine upstairs? Would I rehydrate and pitch the whole package? Thanks!
  17. R

    Concord wine problems

    Okay, I think I will haul it upstairs (like BigDave, I don't relish the thought of carrying it up 14 steps, but I'm gonna do it), let it warm up for a day and then stir the yeast back into suspension. If that doesn't re-start fermentation, will adding some fresh rehydrated yeast get her going...
  18. R

    Concord wine problems

    In mid-September I mixed up a batch of Concord grape wine from concentrate that I mail-ordered from a farm in New York state. I diluted it to an original gravity of 1.092. The concentrate has no preservatives, no acids, nothing added to it. At the time, I didn’t have the means to test the...
  19. R


    I currently have a Concord (from concentrate) going, which I have a couple of questions about, but I'll start a new thread for that. Thanks!