OMG!! what a game, I would have bet the farm that the Pats were going to
lose in the 3rd quarter. MVP, I think White should have received it imho. Brady gave him the car
which I think was nice.
I have to say that there will be two very good teams on the field. They both have
their strengths and weaknesses. I hope for the Pats to win and a good game.
Racked and bottled some of my Orchard Breeze ,Pomegranate Wild berry Wave kit. Still bulk aging a 3 gal carboy,
1 four liter jug. Just turned 6 months old.
I had mine printed by Office Max, for the price of inkjet ink,I think that 4 for .89 cents is cheap!!
They are readily removed, just peel right off
I just had Office Max do some labels , my design, for sheet of four cost was .89 cent
ea. 17 labels cost $4.46 total, Avery Label 22827 laser / inkjet.