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  1. Deezil


    Yeah, that should work for the timing. Edit: Looked through my notes, and realized I was a bit backwards and misspoke. The Booster and Opti products are awesome for filling in the mid-palate and enhancing the aromas, but the one I was thinking of was the FT Rouge/Blanc tannins for color...
  2. Deezil


    Yeah, Doug at Brew & Wine Supply has them, and so does MoreWine; the Booster Rouge/Blance and Opti-White/-Red. I use them on practically everything, but I think both places also sell single-batch sized amounts as well
  3. Deezil


    A lot of folks have issues with color stability in Strawberry wines/meads, so you might consider adding some FT Blanc/Rouge (or Soft version of either). Booster Blanc/Rouge and Opti-White/-Red will help fill in some of the mid-palette as well. I haven't had enough strawberries to make a mead out...
  4. Deezil

    A Journey in a Journal

    Bentonite can strip flavor, color and aroma if used too heavily, but I always start with rather light additions . You can use it post-fermentation, but I prefer to use it during.
  5. Deezil

    Fermax vs Fermaid-K

    Fermaid-K does contain DAP. Fermaid-O does not, but it wasn't in the comparison so I didn't go down that road.
  6. Deezil

    Fermax vs Fermaid-K

    DAP is more like feeding candy to kids all day. I try to stay away from the stuff personally. But it depends on what you're making.. Fermaid-K probably has the edge, but I haven't looked into Fermax
  7. Deezil

    Nutrient per gallon - how much?

    We do, but we need more information. It's like a mad-lib; we can't read you the story unless you fill in a few blanks first.
  8. Deezil

    Nutrient per gallon - how much?

    Yeah it depends on which yeast nutrient you're using
  9. Deezil

    Premium Membership

    How's that, Ernest? If you have a different picture in mind, let me know.. post a link if you want, and I can help you out.
  10. Deezil

    Nerds Mourn

    No way! .... That's... man!
  11. Deezil

    Cleaner vs. Sanitizer

    Just for comparison sake, I spent $11 for a half-pound of K-meta. Using it for sanitizing and using it for keeping my wines safe from spoilage, I still haven't put a dent in it (~60 gallon bulk aging capacity); it'll lose its effectiveness for protecting my wines far before I could ever get...
  12. Deezil

    Honey - may be creamed - not sure

    3lbs of honey per gallon, roughly 1 quart honey per 3 quarts water. Use warm water, and stir the honey in until it's thoroughly dissolved; you dont want a lump of honey coating the bottom of the fermentation vessel. Should put you in the right range, but you'll want to check it with a...
  13. Deezil

    Honey - may be creamed - not sure

    Creamed honey is just crystallized honey, with the crystals being very fine in texture/small in size. Warm it up as Dralarms mentioned, and it should go back to a liquid state that you're more familiar with. A kg, being ~2.2lbs, is a little less than a quart of honey (3lbs). I would suggest...
  14. Deezil

    Cleaner vs. Sanitizer

    Cleaning and sanitizing are definitely two different objectives. Cleaning is the act of removing physical debris, fruit particulate and lees, any dust or things of that nature. Sanitizing is the act of reducing the numbers of living/active microbiology - yeasts, spoilage microorganisms, etc...
  15. Deezil

    first white wine

    You've got the right idea; you can put in the primary, or cut it up smaller and rack onto the fruit in a carboy. The first option will give you the fermented fruit flavor, which isn't a bad thing. The secondary option, will give you more of a fresh fruit flavor. In the first option, the...
  16. Deezil

    juice from apples

    Try to find a few gallons of decent pasteurized cider at a local store, then cut and freeze the apples you have, if you have the space to freeze them. You'll want to mix some ascorbic acid in a spray bottle, or some lemon juice works too, to spray on the slices so they don't brown/oxidize...
  17. Deezil

    TA vs pH

    SO2 additions are based off the current Free SO2 and the pH of the wine. TA is more about the taste perception, than anything else. You just have the two backwards is all;
  18. Deezil

    TA vs pH

    Much better to make the acidity adjustments pre-fermentation. Much better.
  19. Deezil

    Worried about my barkshack gingermead

    1118 is a workhorse yeast, so for it to ferment that fast is no surprise to me. It's actually slower than I've seen it go, it's chewed through starting SG's of 1.090 in 3 days or less. Don't panic too much, as with lighter flavored wines, it's not uncommon for the wine or mead to smell of...
  20. Deezil

    Help me with my Blackberry Jam wine recipe

    I've never made wine from jam before, but I know it works. Go-Ferm is used during yeast rehydration only Fermaid-K is used at 1/3 and 1/2 sugar breaks You'll most definitely want to measure the acidity, and probably won't need any acid blend. For a drier wine, I'd go for 0.60-0.65% TA. Too low...