Sorry for the quick reply from my phone. This is the first time on the puter in a while. Yes, I was going to bring the wine with me to Tampa but thought better of it. I certainly hope that Banjoe is not right. In the future I may still do it. I have some Amarone that my grand son likes and...
Don't need it! After you do one bottle, you know where to stop. I will admit to using a light behind the bottles, but I do it for all bottles. Why do you have a problem with such a simple, no cost system? :b
I use this exact system with my vacuum pump. However, I don't have a 2 hole bung that will fit into a wine bottle. I have the 2 hole bung (#6) pushed into a cutoff funnel. It works just fine for bottling. Freezing the rubber does not work. I drilled small holes then enlarged them with my...
I rack 3 or 4 time with my vacuum pump. I allow the wine to fall into the receiving carboy from 4 or 6 inches below the top. It automatically degasses. I have not had to just degass at all. I have a whip but don't use it. Never a gas problem. The wine falls into a partial vacuum so...
My fingers are just healing up from the dremel, but I did get 4 bungs out of it. I like the 2 pcs of wood in a vice though.
Dan if you use a carboy, it will probaly cost you a carboy and some body parts, don't do it. :b
No Dan, I'm just saying that I'm surprized that someone would even try to improve on something so good.
We come here for honest opinions.
After the changes the labels were still very good.
OK, I'll try the screwdriver trick and maybe finish it up with the dremel. Not at home right now so I'll get the SKU for you a little later. I'll try my forstners too but how do you put the bung into a vice without distorting it? :b
I can't believe that these guys suggested changes, all though even with the changes your labels are great. Just something that I picked up a while back, if using ink jet like me, use hairspray to prevent the ink from running.