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  1. marino

    Wine barrel lifetime costs

    Mike, what are the proportions of citric acid to sulfite for this deep cleaning? I have wanted to do mine but never found the right answer for this.
  2. marino

    Other Tweeking Cheap Kits

    Thanks, Joe. Will do. I might actually ferment half of in the barrels instead of adding cubes. I guess I'll let you know in a year how it worked....
  3. marino

    Other Tweeking Cheap Kits

    I have just bought the Fontana kit. I think I will barrel age it and so I'm expecting some evaporation. Joe, because of that concentration effect, should instill cut it down from 6gal to 5? I was thinking 5.5 since I going to lose so much. I have a 5gal barrel for this
  4. marino

    Other Kit Ratings

    Yes, except for the possible problem in the fact that we all such different tastes and preferences. I guess we'll do what we always do and tune in more to people whose preferences we think line up ours. Either way, having a place where comments are aggregated would be valuable.
  5. marino

    2017 Port Plans?

    I have 6 gal Tempranillo port from 2016. First time. So promising
  6. marino

    Reduless vs Stinky Sulfur

    Did you use the citric acid treatment as well? Saw a paper from Cornell recommending citric acide before reduless. Am I imagining this?
  7. marino

    plastic carboys with the Allinonewinepump

    Very interested, thanks!
  8. marino


    Sounds like a question for joeswine, the king of tweaks. Maybe message him?
  9. marino

    RJ Spagnols MLF in kit wine

    Geranium city
  10. marino

    Where to buy used barrel?

    Second johns chicken sentiment. And new barrels smell great. Being in charge of how they develop the wine is great too
  11. marino

    RJ Spagnols Port Wine from a RJS Dessert Kit?

    I guess I can't post links, but it rhymes with shmouthern shlhome brew
  12. marino

    RJ Spagnols Port Wine from a RJS Dessert Kit?

    Just saw this: http://www.****************.com/rjsvanillafig.html
  13. marino

    making adjustments on one year old wine

    Good advice. I never thought of that. ;)
  14. marino

    making adjustments on one year old wine

    I'm in the same situation but haven't understood how to use the vinmetrica. Was going to bottle tomorrow, but maybe I'll try testing again
  15. marino

    Whiskey Barrel for Mead

    I left my melomel in a 10L barrel for 21 months and it aged v nicely, but I lost 55% to the angels! Next batch will get only 3 months in barrel
  16. marino

    Fun with Amazon Echo and Dot!

    Koss Portapro are my go to for great sound under $100
  17. marino

    DB Questions

    I used double the fruit in Dave's recipe and 2 years out it tastes like Boones Farm. Don't know what the next level tweak could be
  18. marino

    Chilean season ahead

    Yeah, ive been thinking of winegrapesdirect, but was really interested in trying a $53 bucket, which is considerably less than WGD
  19. marino

    Chilean season ahead

    Wow! Where are you getting juice buckets for $53? I can't get them for less than $100. One lug where I buy it costs me at least $40... I live in MASSACHUSETTS. Anyone got any leads?
  20. marino

    wine glass

    I got these for a present. Really nice. My niece broke one and never told me about it. $56/6 not the worst price for what they are.