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  1. drainsurgeon

    DangerDave's Dragon Blood Wine

    I've had my Dewalt 18V set for over 15 years now. Still on my second set of batteries too. I was a plumbing contractor and used these tools every day without a problem. I can still de-gass 2 wines back to back with one charge. Probably close to 20 min whipping. No complaints here!
  2. drainsurgeon

    figuring total mass of must

    Maybe you were just getting tired when you got to the Cab Franc and weren't squeezing as hard? (jk) My guess is that the franc had less water to skin ratio. A rain right before harvest can really plump those baby's up! I just love science. :D
  3. drainsurgeon


    Welcome to WMT!
  4. drainsurgeon

    Hello from North Georgia

    Welcome to the forum Mike. You have come to the right place for good advice on wine making. Great people here with lots to share. Enjoy!
  5. drainsurgeon


    Welcome to the forum Gladys. You've come to the right place for good advice on wine making.
  6. drainsurgeon

    New to the business

    You've come to the right place for advice Armyvet. Welcome to WMT!
  7. drainsurgeon

    Hi from a new member

    Welcome to the forum David. Fun hobby, isn't it? You are going to love the people here and the knowledge. Incredibly friendly and helpful! If you think kits are fun, just wait till you try your first fruit wine. Incredibly easy, fun and a little more challenging than the kits. Enjoy!
  8. drainsurgeon


    Welcome to WMT!
  9. drainsurgeon

    Bottle quality rating is there such a thing?

    Interesting. I too, do a little dumpster diving for my bottles. I've collected quite a variety of bottles over the years. I am wondering something now. Some of the bottles collected have a very thick neck. I thought that those were champagne bottles and have been keeping them in separate cases...
  10. drainsurgeon


    I would want to be 100% sure that my wine is totally de-gassed before I put a solid bung on and strap it down. I would't sleep waiting for the sound of shattering glass. I don't even own a solid bung.
  11. drainsurgeon

    Bubele frequency

    Also drives off a little of the co2.
  12. drainsurgeon

    Starsan in Wine!

    Do you have an idea how many oz's got through? Is it just a 2 gallon batch? I'm sure it will be fine if you let it age long enough. :se
  13. drainsurgeon

    Cork problems ...

    To me, the cork looks stained about half way. If this is the case, and it looks that way in the bottle, it is not normal. What # corks are you using? I use #9 corks because I didn't feel the #8 corks sealed well enough. I think I have read here, some time ago, that someone got a kit with #7...
  14. drainsurgeon


    What bkisel said....I do the same. :h
  15. drainsurgeon

    Auto Siphon Getting Clogged, any solution?

    You give the left over cake to your cattle?? That must make cow tipping a breeze! :D
  16. drainsurgeon

    First time making wine. Few Questions

    Wow, a few surprises on this post. First is to mookiex4. You make better wine with honey than with fruit flies. Attitude change my friend. I need to correct your 1 Campdon tablet per gallon statement. That is for preventing oxidation and bacterial growth. The correct dosage for "sanitizing" is...
  17. drainsurgeon

    Sterilizing Carboy and Equipment

    Yes, Pam is correct. Didn't mean to mislead on the bugs thing. I spray down my carboys with Raid for the real bugs. :sh (JK)
  18. drainsurgeon

    My first wine kit - Thanks joeswine !!

    Me too. Inspiring for sure.
  19. drainsurgeon

    Sterilizing Carboy and Equipment

    Sure, I add 1/4 tsp of k-meta at second racking (when ferment is done) and every other racking or every 3 months after that until bottling. After reading it here 100 times it kind of sinks in. :h
  20. drainsurgeon

    DangerDave's Dragon Blood Wine

    Arne, you're just being lazy! :h