Bottle quality rating is there such a thing?

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Sep 14, 2016
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It seems that wine bottles come in an infinite varieties of shapes, sizes, and colors. The more $$ seem to have thicker necks and the less $ can have same basic shape but thinner glass where the cork gets set. I would assume the more $$ wine bottles are of more value.

Is there such a thing as bottle rating? Say neck shape, color, bottom bump, etc..

All I look for is 5 of the same variety ( My batches are normally 1 gallon ) The local recycling center provides plenty of options and I simply start looking for bottles when I start the batch. Of course the wine color determines what color bottles I pick as well.
I hit a few local wineries that recycle and dumpster dive with pride. The quality is excellent and they take very little effort to clean. The port bottles are the best find. I haven't purchased bottles since my very first batch.
My wife laughed at first, then worried when I went so often, now she is resigned to the occasional stops at the recycling center on the way home. Especially after I have brought home things like coffee cups, china plates, things that folks dumped at the center that now have new home with us. I've learned the best days to stop by (Saturday afternoons, any time on Sunday and Monday morning before the crews dump the wire recycling bins.)

So whatever place you find them be it in a dumpster, contacting a local bar or restaurant that serves a lot of wine, or a recycling center. It all works.
Many years ago I found that large banquet halls after parties and weddings etc. often have cases of empty bottles stacked around back. It's a good opportunity to get all of the same type of bottles.
Hmmm so I imagine after election night the places hosting election parties (regardless of if they win or lose,) will have plenty of wine bottles and of course Champagne bottles as well.
Interesting. I too, do a little dumpster diving for my bottles. I've collected quite a variety of bottles over the years. I am wondering something now. Some of the bottles collected have a very thick neck. I thought that those were champagne bottles and have been keeping them in separate cases thinking that I might try a sparkling wine or champagne in the future.

Here is my question. Can the bottles with the thickened necks be used as champagne bottles or are they totally different?
Champagne bottles are very different! My Bunco girlfriends save all their Moscato D'Asti bottles so I'm never in short supply of sparkling wine bottles. I think they look like a pinot noir bottle on steroids. Its not just the neck that is thick....its the whole bottle that is thick.
I have so many bottle right now I can't keep up cleaning them.

Here in Alberta we return all empty bottles to the bottle depots and get a refund. Usually 10 cent per wine bottle. I but out a call out on some Facebook buy and sell groups and offered 25 cent per bottle. Within days I had over 120 bottles. Now I am busy cleaning and getting labels off.

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