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  1. Sirs

    Higher ABV pee?

    oh yes you can but you can also add more sugar than your yeast will be able to handle making for a really sweet wine so you have to be careful doing it that way, I've learned to do it gradually and that way I can normally tell when the yeast is getting close to the point where they die out from...
  2. Sirs

    Higher ABV pee?

    yeah that'll raise it if the yeast will handle that amount it's all according to what your wanting in the end.
  3. Sirs

    Higher ABV pee?

    I did backsweeten with sugar and only used a minimum amount of juice to do this with it was a really thick syrup I'd made I'll take a cup of juice/wine and I've added up to 5 pounds of sugar to that and made my syrup you just gotta keep stirring it and not high heat it will dissolve but it...
  4. Sirs

    Higher ABV pee?

    I think most people's problems with to much alcohol is that the wines are not made with enough fruit or grapes or watered down to much. You can mix water and alcohol together and all you'll taste is the alcohol. Add alcohol to a thick concentrate of any type juice and you'll taste alcohol some...
  5. Sirs

    Higher ABV pee?

    The wife had me do her a pee of sorts out of fresh lime and used a starter of cherries it turned out really good it was abit more than 16% took forever to ferment completely, but then I did it all natural. The wife says it reminds her of a margarita.
  6. Sirs

    Banana Wine: Use Frozen Bananas?

    well us guys gotta do something to help each other out at times
  7. Sirs

    Banana Wine: Use Frozen Bananas?

    What kind of mine is it your talking about Julie like a land mine or like a gold mine???
  8. Sirs

    What R you doing today?

    yeah same here to Doug always hate to hear of any animal being lost for any reason they seem to grab your heart and hold on
  9. Sirs

    Hello from Newton NC

    Greetings to a fellow import to NC. seems we came to NC around the same time only I was kidnapped by my wife she came and got me from East Tenn. not far away but a big difference anyway glad to meet you so to speak.
  10. Sirs

    Another HUGE score!!!

    Just wanna find out what she's doing to get all this stuff so cheap wonder if she's packin when she goes to talk to them about price??
  11. Sirs

    What do you do with all your wine?

    well to be honest I used to think the same thing but since I've started making bigger batches it seems it goes just as quick as the small ones. I know I made a few batches of 10 gallon and more last year and thought that'll be plenty to drink and some to give away also but I was wrong it goes...
  12. Sirs

    RedNek Wine Glass makes $5 million in sales

    LOL I hear ya Sid been doing it here for years also well wine and other stuff
  13. Sirs

    Muscadine wine from one variety or mixed?

    separate is good but most commercial muscadines are mixed that I know of only separation is in red and white with most, one good thing about making your own wine is you do it like you want not like everyone else does
  14. Sirs

    First wine, Quick question

    lol rocket fuel huh?? nothing wrong with liking more alcohol in your wine just remember it's wine not liquor.... It will taste alot different than any store bought stuff you get with higher ABV most here just want to make sure your first wine is what you consider good as most who just in quick...
  15. Sirs

    Happy New Year!

    well gonna throw in my wishes for a better New Year this year hopefully we'll all be around to celebrate the next one.So HAPPY NEW YEARS day to all and best wishes for the year.
  16. Sirs

    Merry Christmast and Happy Holidays to all My WMT Friends

    well I posted earlier and it didn't take for some reason anywayyyyyyyy Merry Christmas to everyone and hopefully we'll all have a Happy New Year also.
  17. Sirs

    Help with my first plum wine

    I've made a few plums and have yet to have any trouble fermenting them in fact it's hard to get them to quit for me lol
  18. Sirs

    Green goo

    oil and dawn dish washing liquid kinda go together you put in oil and dawn mix with a small amount of water what you pour out will be oily watery dawn and the oil will be gone
  19. Sirs

    What R you doing today?

    you don't think he might be one of those types that like to do stuff to cause pain do you?? I've heard about them they can be all normal about everything else only every time they turn around they do something to hurt themselves......j/k I know how you feel Wade seems like ever time i turn...
  20. Sirs

    I need ideers

    if you got a pressure cooker you can do all this in about an hour