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  1. Minnesotamaker

    Skeeter Pee name ?

    tnterryt, That's looking down-right delish. I do like to ask, regardless of what you decide to call your creation, that you include the name Skeeter Pee somewhere on the label. The reason is so that others that try your batch and like it, are able to find information on the SP website and on...
  2. Minnesotamaker

    skid row wine rack - revisited

    Your wine rack makes me, Walmart, and Walt Disney proud. Very nice job.
  3. Minnesotamaker

    Christmas Spirit

    Rocky, We (our immediate family) generally resist the "popular direction" that Christmas has taken. We tend to put greater importance in maintaining family traditions and spending time together. We do exchange gifts, but resist the pressure to over-do it. We sometimes feel like "outsiders"...
  4. Minnesotamaker

    Bottle Cleaning with Oxyclean

    Here's what I understand. B-Brite is a combination of two effective ingredients. The first is the active ingredient in Oxyclean; the second is TSP which is an industrial cleaner you can find at hardware stores. B-brite is a MUST RINSE cleaner. Onestep is similar to Oxyclean. Onestep is a...
  5. Minnesotamaker

    Can I make SP With this?

    The peach shouldn't be your problem, that should work fine. The bigger issue is that your yeast could be stressed depending on the alcohol level in your wine now. Do you know what your starting SG was, what the SG is now, and which type of yeast you used? Those things should tell us if the...
  6. Minnesotamaker

    secondary headspace

    I wouldn't use juice because unless you've treated with sorbate and sulfite, the sugars in there will start the fermentation going again and then you'll have to rack again and be in the same position. Some choices you have: a) Top up with water. This will dilute your final product some, but...
  7. Minnesotamaker

    Corks and Corkers

    I've used the Red Portuguese Floor Corker for about 6 years now and have put over 2000 corks through it without problems. I use #9 corks but haven't used the synthetics. The last time I checked, the red corker cost less and in my opinion works well. The Italian has brass compression jaws, but...
  8. Minnesotamaker

    Anyone have problems with B-Brite Cleaner?

    I use B-Brite and have never had a problem when mixed per directions. I don't wear gloves, but work turned my hands into something akin to weathered pigskin years ago. If I remember right, B-Brite is more than Oxyclean. It is a combination of the active ingredients in Oxyclean AND TSP...
  9. Minnesotamaker

    Other Hangovers
  10. Minnesotamaker

    Flat taste to wine

    Does it taste "flat" or "watered down"? I have trouble drinking the mist or cooler type kits because of the lack of flavor. When I first got into the hobby, they were OK, but after tasting homemade wine made with plenty of fruit, I have a hard time really enjoying them. To me, it's almost...
  11. Minnesotamaker

    Bottling cane/hose

    Swing... batta batta batta .... swing.... lol Three strikes and you're OUT!
  12. Minnesotamaker

    Easy Peesy

    Reeny. that's lookin' tasty!
  13. Minnesotamaker

    Other Best way to open juice and/or F-pack?

    I just pop it off with my fingers. It isn't hard if you get the right grip. I grasp the bag neck with my left hand, wrapping my pointer finger and thumb around it. With my right hand, I place my finger tips over the far side of the cap (the top of the cap usually has a little ridge that your...
  14. Minnesotamaker

    Any hunters here?

    I hunt pheasant and the favorite way to prepare it is to brine them. Once they've been brined, just roast them on the grill. If you search the web for "brined pheasant", you'll find several different variations of recipes. Here's one I've made and it turns out great. Brined Pheasant Recipe
  15. Minnesotamaker

    Adding Absolutely No Water To The Wine Kit?

    What are you trying to do? Make Frankenwine? First off, the juice in a wine kit has had some of the water removed. When you add water back in, it should be reconstituting it back to the original full strength juice. Without water, there would be some things out of whack. Your sugar would...
  16. Minnesotamaker

    What if I accidentially added too much yeast nutrient?

    If your nutrient is urea based, be aware that excess levels of urea in a finished wine can react with the alcohol to form Ethyl Carbamate, a carcinogen. Search the web for Ethyl Carbamate and you'll find lots of information.
  17. Minnesotamaker

    Sparkolloid anyone?

    The primary reason Sparkolloid was the fining agent of choice for my Skeeter Pee recipe is that it was designed to be a beverage made in MASS QUANTITIES at low cost. Sparkolloid does the trick very nicely, stores well, and it economical.
  18. Minnesotamaker

    Campden tablets help!!!

    What is the source of the juice? If you bought frozen, bucketed, wine kit, or bagged juice, it may already have sulfite in it. If it is fresh squeezed juice, you want to sulfite sooner rather than later.
  19. Minnesotamaker

    k meta fumes toxic?

    Refer to the MSDS (material safety data sheet) on Potassium Metabisulfite
  20. Minnesotamaker

    What a shocking year!

    In my area, we had weird Spring weather, so lots of the fruit bearers were barren this year. No cherries, plums, or mulberries, and very few elderberries. This caused the birds to place undue pressure on my vineyard this year. They were eating the grapes while they were still green and hard...