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  1. rocket man

    corks not all in

    I had that problem with the first batch that I bottled. Some corks went all the way in, and some didn't. The problem with the hand corker is that it grips under the lip of the bottle. Not all bottles have the same lip. To solve this I made up some spacers about 1/4" thick and smaller around than...
  2. rocket man

    How to add body to fresh fruit blueberry wine

    I forgot about the sweetness part, but I was looking to add sweetness anyway.
  3. rocket man

    How much sugar to increase SG

    Winecalc does allow you to enter the target SG and the measured SG and tells you how much sugar to add to get to your target SG. It even tells you in ounces, pounds, grams, or kilos.
  4. rocket man

    How to add body to fresh fruit blueberry wine

    Adding glycerin or banana soup is a good way to add body. I added glycerin and some red grape concentrate to a batch of concord and that helped to add some body.
  5. rocket man

    How much sugar to increase SG

    I think it's a great little program. It sure beats guessing how much sugar to add. If I had to do the math myself I'd have it all screwed up.:slp
  6. rocket man

    How much sugar to increase SG

    Here is a really useful tool. Wine calc will tell you exactly how much sugar to add to bring up your SG to a desired level. It does alot of other stuff too.
  7. rocket man

    Apple Pie Wine

    Sounds pretty good. I think you would need more apple juice though, other wise it would be pretty thin. Not sure about the lemonade, never had that with apple.
  8. rocket man

    think somethings wrong

    Do you mean 1.100?
  9. rocket man

    Can you cork beer bottles?

    Wow, I guess the prices at my LHBS are pretty good. I just checked today and the price for a case of 375 ml bottles, 24 bottles, is about $24.00.
  10. rocket man

    WineXpert Help with S.G.

    Wade, do you use a brew belt often on your glass carboys?
  11. rocket man

    has anyone used quaternary cleaner

    I've never heard of quaternary cleaner. My LHBS only carries One step. As far as sterilizing bottles I've read that 15 minutes at 195 degrees farenheit is sufficient.
  12. rocket man


    I always use a full package for a one gallon batch or a five gallon batch. It's cheap enough and it isn't going to hurt anything.
  13. rocket man

    Green Wine?

    If you take the seeds out it will reduce the heat alot.
  14. rocket man

    I have to ask, what is an F pac?

    I've been getting alot of mine from friends. Just ask them to save all of their's for you. Of course you'll have to repay them by giving them a full bottle when yours is done but it sure beats having to buy empty bottles. Another way I've gotten them is from a wine tasting party. All the vendors...
  15. rocket man

    Tiny bubbles...

    OK, that's better than what I was thinking.:D
  16. rocket man

    Tiny bubbles...

    Yep, the tiny bubbles are from the little yeasties farting.
  17. rocket man

    Siphoning Question

    I see you have a brew belt around one of your carboys. I was thinking of doing that but I read that you weren't supposed to. I think because there was a chance that the glass could break. How long have you been doing it?
  18. rocket man

    How many carboys is too many?

    Look lonesome... Heck mine start talking to me if their empty more than a few days. They say "Fill me, Fill me".:):)
  19. rocket man

    Question Making Peach Wine

    Why the lemon juice?
  20. rocket man

    What's in Your Airlock?

    I've always used water but I was thinking of switching to vodka.